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School Philosophy

Our educational philosophy is simple. We believe in parental choice. We offer the finest tuition free curriculum choices available for grades PreK-12. At Epic Charter Schools, we realize that not all students learn the same way. Our education options allow our students to learn anytime and from anywhere at their own pace. We will constantly strive to measure the effectiveness of our school so that every one of our students will succeed.

Mission Statement

“Fulfilling every student’s individual potential by personalizing an educational plan that focuses on creating a dynamic school and family partnership to achieve optimal student performance.”

Vision Statement

Epic Charter Schools is dedicated to providing every student with the opportunity to meet their full academic achievement potential. We are committed to reaching this goal by:

  • Offering the finest quality of instructional strategies and curriculum choices.

  • Continuously use assessment to improve our delivery of instruction.

  • Treat our students with respect and have high expectations for achievement.

  • Use current research and resources to be most effective.

Academic Calendar

Please check our calendar for first day of school, end of semesters, last day of school and other relevant dates.

Student/Teacher/Family partnerships that have not met their goal for the academic year will continue beyond the Second Semester deadline until goals have been met or the new academic calendar begins. Year round learning will be utilized as needed to ensure students do not fall behind and stay caught up.

Student Holidays

Please check our calendar for the noted holidays this year and any updates.

General Information

Face-to-Face Instruction for One-on-One Students

Epic Charter Schools offers individualized instruction to each student through its One-on-One Program. A certified teacher is assigned to each student and works in partnership with the family to teach, coach, and motivate each child.  Teachers can interact with the family through a variety of methods: by face-to-face instruction, by phone, by text, by email, by online chat, and by using web-based interactive tools. Teachers should make contact with the student daily using the communication methods that work best for the family.

Once the student is assigned to a teacher’s roster, a meeting should be held to create the Individual Learning Plan (ILP) and establish short and long-term academic goals for the student. The teacher and family will also agree to a schedule a location for face-to-face instruction.  This could include the family’s home, an Epic facility, or an approved public location.  Any location chosen should be as distraction-free as possible and should create a safe and positive learning environment.  For safety reasons, it is required that teachers only meet with a student alone if it is in a public place.

Instructional, face-to-face meetings provide a great opportunity for teachers to target lessons or concepts that students are struggling to master. It is strongly encouraged for our teachers to meet in person with students unless the parents have made a formal request in writing to the principal. Whether teachers are meeting in person or virtually, teachers should meet with regular education students for at least one hour (2 - 4 hours recommended) per week. This should be the minimum number of teacher/student meetings occurring in order to ensure engagement and academic growth for all of our students, but a family can request more or less frequent meeting times.

School Visitors

It is the policy of the Epic Board of Education that all visitors to any school facility obtain a visitor's pass at the building principal's office or other appropriate office. Parents are requested not to send or allow siblings to visit students in the classroom.

Staff members are not normally expected to have personal visitors during the school day.

Agents or other persons shall not visit teachers during school hours for the purpose of selling books or other articles without written consent from the superintendent.

The superintendent or principal of any school shall have the authority to order any person out of a school building and off school property when it appears that the presence of such person is a threat to the peaceful conduct of school business, school activities, and/or school classes. This authority shall extend to the removal of any individual attending an official school activity or field trip where students are present, including an activity or field trip not on school property when the superintendent or principal determines that a threat to the peaceful conduct of students exists. Any person who refuses to leave a school building or grounds after being ordered to do so by the superintendent or principal shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not more than $500.00 or by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than 90 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment.

Any person who is requested to leave the premises shall be unable to return to the premises without the written permission of the administration for a period of six months. A grievance or an appeal may be filed by the individual as per district policy.

Face-to-Face Instruction Visitation 


Epic Charter School believes that all Parents/Guardians should be involved in their child’s education. At Epic, our support of Parent/Guardian involvement falls side-by-side with our interest in cultivating an environment that fosters learning and security. We understand that parents/guardians may wish to observe the educational activities that their students are participating in when they are engaged in face-to-face instruction at one of our sites. We ask that parents follow this guideline in order to ensure that any observations are made in such a way that does not interfere with student learning or create an environment that might create security concerns.


In order to observe classroom activities, all visitors wishing to observe face-to-face instruction, please inform their student’s teacher no less than one week prior to the desired date of observation.


No visit shall be conducted in such a way as to detract from classroom activities. If, in the judgment of the teacher, the visitation is not in accordance with this procedure, the visitor(s) will be asked to leave the classroom and/or the building.


Administrative Office Visitation

For safety and security purposes, all visitors to the Epic offices including teachers, students, and family members will need to check in at the front upon entering the building. Visitors will also be required to stay in the lobby area until they are escorted into the back office area.

Distribution or use of tobacco products in any form, as well as the use of simulated tobacco products are prohibited during visitation.


Epic Charter Schools believes very strongly in communication that is open, two-way, and continuous. Although we are an online charter school, we will begin a dialog with you as soon as you become our student.  Open dialog and feedback allow us to monitor student educational improvement and academic progress.

Epic Charter Schools has a service that will allow the school to communicate messages to families within minutes. This system utilizes a variety of communication options:  voice mail, email, and/or text messages. The school may use this service to share important school-wide information or send reminders for various activities involving student participation.

Curriculum Choices

There are several curriculum choices encompassing all subject areas, along with electives. Information regarding these curricula choices can be found on our website. All of our core curricula and for credit classes are correlated to the Oklahoma Academic Standards. Students are expected to acquire these skills at each grade level. Each parent or guardian is responsible for selecting the curriculum choices for their child.

Testing Progress

Each student will test at the beginning of the year to establish a baseline for academic achievement. A post-test will be administered at the end of each school year to establish yearly progress and academic growth. A progress test may be given during late November and/or February to assure academic progress has been attained. In addition to a pre- and post-test and yearly progress test, all students are required to participate in the appropriate grade level exams of the Oklahoma School Testing Program and other state required tests.

Internet Access

All Epic Students must have internet access. If internet service is needed, Epic does offer MiFi devices that can be ordered through the student’s Learning Fund.

Learning Fund

Epic Charter Schools provides the unique opportunity for parents to tailor individual curricula needs for their child. Each student is allocated a learning fund that allows for individual curricula, technology or school-related goods and services.


A Few Guidelines: Memberships fees are not paid for through the learning fund. Admission fees may only be paid for out of the Learning Fund, if it is inclusive to an educational class being offered at the location and the admission fee must be paid to access the activity. Non-academic classes can be considered after curricula and technology are purchased. Also, Epic cannot split the cost of any ordered item or curriculum with the family nor reimburse parents for any expenses.

Funds left in a student’s Learning Fund will not  roll over to the next school year, and monies can not be shared within sibling groups.

*Note that in order for the Learning Fund to pay a student’s summer invoices (June and July) the student must show active status for this school year,as well as, show enrolled for the following school year. The student must not be in truancy violation and must have the funds to pay for services from the current scholastic year. Summer invoices cannot be paid for with the upcoming school year's funds.

Any Media purchased utilizing a student’s learning fund as a result of a curriculum selection or at the request of a student’s teacher may upon request by Learning Fund personnel be reviewed by Epic Library personnel under the Epic Library Media Selection Guideline. Any materials deemed inappropriate under that Guideline or in violation of 70 O.S. § 24-157, shall not be provided for the student in question. 


Media purchased as a result of a parent/guardian request for supplementary media materials shall be provided under the following procedures: If the Learning Fund staff have concern regarding a request, such materials may be reviewed by the Library Personnel following the Library Media Selection.  If the Library Personnel determine that such media is inappropriate for the student they shall issue a recommendation which shall be provided to the Parent/Guardian and provide examples of more appropriate alternatives. The parent/guardian may request that the media be provided regardless, and if so the Learning Fund will complete the request. However, if the Library Personnel determine that any requested Media constitutes child pornography or obscene materials, as defined in Section 1024.1 of Title 21 of the Oklahoma Statutes, or child sexual exploitation, as defined in Section 843.5 of Title 21 of the Oklahoma Statutes the request shall be denied and acceptable alternatives shall be recommended to the parent/guardian. 

Late Enrollment

Any student that completes their Individual Learning Plan (ILP) on or before October 18th of the current school year will receive the full learning fund amount of $1,000. Students that complete their ILP after October 18th will have no learning fund, but will have access to a predetermined curriculum and technology that has been approved for grade level appropriateness.  (Late Enrollment Curriculum subject to change based upon availability).

Technology: Laptops, iPads, and WiFi

The following will be made available to your student if you do not have a computer at home as long as the child is enrolled in Epic Charter Schools:

  • Chromebook at no charge to the child’s learning fund. If an iPad or Laptop is chosen the chromebook will not be available. 

  • iPad tablets: $300/year 

  • Laptops:  $250/year

  • Mifi device:  $240/year

All technology is the property of Epic Charter Schools and must be returned in good working order when the child is no longer an Epic student.  Repair costs to laptops and iPads will be charged against the student’s learning fund account.  The cost of the repair is determined by our technology team.


Replacement Fees for Lost or Stolen Technology:

  • Laptop: $175

  • iPad: $300

  • MiFi: $100

  • Calculator: $60

Textbooks and Supplies

All textbooks, electronic devices, and non-consumable items bought using the Learning Fund belong to Epic Charter Schools. Non-consumable items are products that are not used up, depleted, or consumed with use. These items are typically durable and can be reused multiple times. Examples include textbooks, electronics, microscopes, telescopes, etc. These materials must be returned to the school once the unit or course is completed, or if the student graduates or leaves Epic Charter Schools.

For a further explanation of the learning fund please visit:

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