Academic Resources
Epic Charter Schools combines the convenience of online learning with the support of one-on-one instruction from an Oklahoma-certified teacher. This blended learning model allows students and families to set their own pace with the guidance and instruction from an Epic Charter Schools teacher who meets with them face-to-face as needed.
Testing Resources
3rd-8th Grade
High School/ACT
Testing Locations
Throughout the course of the year, Epic Charter Schools will be required to administer a variety of tests. The locations listed below are being used as testing facilities for the Spring 2025 State Tests.
Special Education
Special education services are available to students identified with a disability by a multidisciplinary team which may include but is not limited to: teachers, the parent/guardian, a school psychologist, therapists and the student. The school follows the requirements of IDEA 2004 and corresponding Oklahoma laws. Documentation of the disability must be provided, such as medical records, prior educational records, and/or psychological evaluation.
For new referrals the school uses the Response to Intervention (RTI) school-wide, as a first level support to assist in the identification of educational needs and to document that the student is unable to learn with scientifically based interventions. The General Education Teacher will then forward that request onto a Special Education Teacher who will make sure the evaluation is completed.
The school is required to teach all students grade level work per directives from the state department. The curriculum used depends on the age and grade level as well as the instructional level of the student. Students in need of adapted learning support services are those whose complex learning needs impact their academic achievement and their ability to make sufficient progress within the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). Services offered may include: adaptations and modifications to the curriculum, specialized instructional strategies, and adjustments in pacing.
Child Find
Child Find is a search for all children with disabilities who are not receiving a free, appropriate, public education. This applies to children between the ages of birth and twenty-one years of age, who have not yet graduated from high school. Epic Charter School offers full educational opportunities for all students.If you suspect your child may have a disability or know of a child with a disability who is not receiving a free, appropriate, public education, please click here.
Related Services
Related services may include, but are not limited to, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy and physical therapy when it is necessary to the child’s ability to make adequate progress in the general curriculum. These services, placement, and goals are determined by the IEP team on an “as needed” basis. Options for related services should be discussed with the special education staff.
Communication between special education teachers and the parent will be made via telephone, email, Skype, etc. To ensure ongoing communication, please let the teacher and school know if there is a change in phone number, email or mailing address.
Section 504 Accommodation Plans
The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, commonly referred to as “Section 504,” is a federal statute that prohibits discrimination against persons on the basis of their disability by institutions that receive financial federal assistance. It states:
No otherwise qualified individual with a disability shall solely by reason of her or his disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.
Section 504’s purpose is to assure that disabled students have educational opportunities and benefits equal to those provided to non-disabled students. An eligible student under Section 504 is a student who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity. If a student is covered by Section 504, schools must provide such accommodations as are necessary to ensure that the student has equal access to services, programs and activities offered by the school. Section 504 protects students from discrimination on the basis of disability to a similar extent as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
English Language Learners (ELL)
English Learners (EL) are students with varying levels of English proficiency and prior knowledge of their home language.
The Department of English Learners
The Department of English Language Learners is committed to helping students, parents, and teachers achieve success. Our department creates and implements robust instructional programs for English Language Learners, comprehensive professional development for Epic educators, and interpreting and translation services to enable parents to be advocates for their children.
Language Assistance Services
All parents have the right to receive information about their child’s education in a language they understand, and Epic recognizes that partnering with parents/guardians is vital for students’ educational success. We work toward empowering non-English speaking parents/guardians of children enrolled with Epic to become active participants in their child’s education.
Epic Charter Schools provide interpretation (oral) and translation (written) language services to parents and guardians with limited English proficiency, at no cost to them.
Translation and interpreting may be provided by Epic staff, volunteers, or contracted providers. The use of family members and friends to provide translation or interpretation is discouraged.
A minor child may never translate or interpret.
When a child enrolls in Epic Charter Schools, parents are asked about their need for language assistance services.
To file a complaint, please submit this Language Services Complaint Form. This form is available in other languages upon request.
Epic staff who need interpreting and/or translation assistance should submit the internal forms which can be found in the ELL Teacher Toolkit.
English Learner Laws and Regulations
For more information regarding federal laws and guidelines, visit Colorín Colorado’s page on the Every Student Succeeds Act as well as these resources for Oklahoma.
Read about Schools' Civil Rights Obligations to English Learner Students and Limited English Proficient Parents here.
Qualifying for English Language Development Services
Every student who enrolls with Epic Charter Schools completes a Home Language Survey as part of the enrollment process.
If the student’s Home Language Survey indicates that a language other than English is spoken in the home and the student has not been previously identified as an English Learner, the student will be given a screener to assess English Language Proficiency.
These are the Oklahoma State Department of Education guidelines regarding when the screener will be given:
Within the first thirty (30) days of school if the student is enrolled at the beginning of the school year
Or within fifteen (15) days of school if enrolled after the first thirty (30) days of school
What English Language Development (ELD) services are available?
Consultation / Collaboration between your child’s general education teacher and the ELD teacher: ELD teacher consults with the general education teacher on a regular basis to assist the teacher in planning instruction for the EL student. The ELD teacher models strategies, demonstrates lessons, provides resources, helps identify essential standards and vocabulary, and collaborates on appropriate instructional and assessment accommodations and modifications. The goal is to provide appropriate EL supports in mainstream classes to the level appropriate for student success.
Live, virtual ELD classes: Students attend live, virtual classes 4 days per week where ELD teachers provide intensive language and literacy instruction. Supplemental instruction can target both language fluency and core content. Pull-out services for language and literacy skill development are supported with specialized ELD curricular materials and is not intended to replace core content instruction. ELD classes are leveled by English language proficiency levels. Additional classes for Newcomers are available, in which students will be supported in adjusting to American culture. The goal is to increase student success in mainstream, non-ESL supported general education classes which ELs should fully transition to in a reasonable amount of time.
Content Classes with Integrated ESL Support: Students are provided core content instruction with no native language support in mainstream classes utilizing integrated ESL strategies (i.e. teachers trained in EL methods). The goal is to provide appropriate EL supports in mainstream classes to the level appropriate for student success.