طلباء کے پروگرام
The Epic News Network is more than just a school newspaper. We are all things journalism and creative media. We now offer multiple courses which allow students to get hands-on learning taught by professional media specialists. All student work feeds into our journalism program which is published on epicnewsnetwork.org.
Native American Programs is designed to address the unique academic and cultural needs of our Native American students at Epic. This includes promoting academic success and cultural awareness among Native American students, as well as fostering understanding and respect for Native American cultures among non-Native students.
Advanced Placement® is college-level coursework and exams students can take in high school to receive college credit based on their scores. All motivated and academically-prepared high school students are able to enroll in AP® courses as long as the student has taken the recommended prerequisite courses. The student and parent/guardian must sign the AP® Contract in order to participate in the course.
Epic Art Program offers live, once weekly art classes via Zoom with certified art instructors.
Students will explore a variety of artists, art processes and materials such as drawing, painting, printmaking, two & three-dimensional design, and digital art. Art students are required to attend and practice weekly.
Math+ offers live, math classes via Zoom with certified math teachers. Students in grades 3 & 4 meet three days a week during 50 min sessions, and grades 5 -12 meet two days a week with 75-minute sessions. Unplugged classes that only require attendance for check-ins and proctored assessments are available in grades 6-12.