Пошук коледжів, фінансової допомоги та стипендій є досить індивідуальним та особистим, але це не повинно бути стресом. Команда підготовки до коледжів і кар’єри Epic Charter Schools зібрала багато цінних ресурсів, які допоможуть вам почати життя після закінчення середньої школи.
At Epic Charter Schools, we believe it is never too early to begin preparing for college. We are here to support and guide students through the college planning process to ensure they have a smooth and successful transition from high school to college. To help students prepare for college, we have created grade-level checklists with important tasks to consider.
There are many considerations to make before selecting the best college, including location, size, cost, academic programs, student life, and admission requirements. Ultimately, students are encouraged to pursue colleges where they feel comfortable and able to succeed.
It is important for students to have a basic understanding of general college information prior to pursuing college admission. Students are encouraged to review college planning resources and attend college planning programs, sessions and events held throughout the academic year to best prepare themselves for college.
General Information
Each college has its own admission requirements. It is important for students to review all admission criteria prior to submitting an application.
Students should only submit one admission application per college, no matter the application type options offered. Typically, if a college offers more than one admission application type, the college has no preference on which application type the student selects.
Students should only apply for college admission during their final year of high school.
Students graduating from high school should apply to college using an undergraduate, first-time and/or freshman admission application.
All graduating high school students, regardless of the number of college credit hours earned through dual enrollment during high school, will apply to college as incoming freshmen.
Epic Charter Schools’ Students are public school students.
Students should list College Planning Counselor Brianna Strickler as their Counselor on all admission applications, if applicable.
brianna.strickler@epiccharterschools.org |405-347-5091
There are many considerations to make before selecting the best college, including location, size, cost, academic programs, student life, and admission requirements. Ultimately, students are encouraged to pursue colleges where they feel comfortable and able to succeed.
It is important for students to have a basic understanding of general college information prior to pursuing college admission. Students are encouraged to review college planning resources and attend college planning programs, sessions and events held throughout the academic year to best prepare themselves for college.