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1164 North 4000 Road, Boswell, OK, 74727

Shade Dill is an educator with Higher Thought Leadership, LLC. After teaching elementary school for 10 years, supporting behavioral health for underprivileged students for 8 years, 4 mission trips overseas, facilitating outdoor educational trips for 13 years, and leading adult learning and development for schools and the corporate world for 8 years, Shade has decided to share the most meaningful learning experiences with the students of EPIC. Shade provides opportunities for students see the world beyond the classroom or computer screen by facilitating field trips to educationally relevant locations. Shade has taken students to the Oklahoma State Capitol to meet and share ideas with their elected representatives, facilitated field trips to museums and learning centers, chaperoned field trips to college campuses, and used the field trip as an opportunity for students to give back to their community with service projects. All field trips will include assignments aligned with state standards and each student’s EPIC teachers to be turned into those teachers, public speaking experience and coaching, and a follow-up report (oral or written depending on age and ability). Take your student’s education beyond the laptop, desk, and co-op to include engaging, meaningful experiences that help prepare them for life outside of the classroom.


Shade Dill


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