روښانه فکر کوونکی
Course Name | Course Type |
GRADE K MATH | Elem/Mid |
GRADE 1 MATH | Elem/Mid |
GRADE 1 SCIENCE | Elem/Mid |
GRADE 2 MATH | Elem/Mid |
GRADE 2 SCIENCE | Elem/Mid |
GRADE 3 MATH | Elem/Mid |
GRADE 3 SCIENCE | Elem/Mid |
GRADE 4 MATH | Elem/Mid |
GRADE 4 SCIENCE | Elem/Mid |
GRADE 5 MATH | Elem/Mid |
GRADE 5 SCIENCE | Elem/Mid |
Other English
1.0 unit (2 semesters)
Literary Genres is a senior level course in which students will explore and analyze a variety of literature. A grammar review precedes a study of rhetorical and literary devices, as well as a brief survey of the major literary forms. Students will read a variety of fictional selections and stories including The Canterbury Tales, various mythologies, Beowulf, Hansel and Gretel, Dracula, and Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Masque of the Red Death.” Students will better understand drama after reading excerpts from William Shakespeare’s plays and will contemplate timeless poems by Robert Frost, Emily Dickinson, Walt Whitman, Lord Byron, and other poets. Comparing and contrasting speeches by Barack Obama and Ronald Reagan will assist students in analyzing persuasive texts. The course concludes with a look at perspective in nonfiction texts, such as diaries and autobiographies.
English I
1.0 unit (2 semesters)
English I launches a four-year journey during which students will confidently master grammar, develop advanced communication skills, and learn to analyze and appreciate challenging literature. The course begins with grammar fundamentals including sentence structure, parts of speech, and phrases and clauses. Students’ vocabulary will expand through a study of technology, literary terms, and words with multiple meanings. Culturally diverse texts will emphasize literary elements and techniques while an overview of short and long prose will delve into excerpts from The Odyssey. Reading Animal Farm and Romeo and Juliet will expand the students’ literary world. Writing skills will advance as students learn and apply the steps for creating a research paper. The course includes coverage of effective speaking and listening.
English II
1.0 unit (2 semesters)
English II begins with a major focus on grammar to help students become stronger writers. Students then analyze literary genre elements in various excerpts of classical stories. A major focus is the Greek drama, Antigone, by Sophocles. The novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee is required with this course to study for analysis, as well. Students compare informational texts and have various writing projects. For example, they write an analytical essay on a short story and a persuasive essay that they also present as a speech. Their research paper is about a topic they choose on the Civil Rights Movement in which they construct a multi-media presentation to accompany it. Additionally, this course includes work-related documents with students constructing their own resumés and letters.
English III
1.0 unit (2 semesters)
In English III, students focus on the development of American Literature and compare it with ideas and forms of literature around the world. Students review the basics of the language arts, then scaffold with practices of increasing complexity to meet the required grade-level objectives of analytical thinking. Engaging in a step-by-step process, students learn to write complex analyses and argumentative papers. Students also learn principles in research, teamwork, discussion, and presentation skills. The text that should accompany the course is the musical, Fiddler on the Roof, by Joseph Stein. This play highlights literary devices as well as the ideas of immigration and cultural assimilation with supporting literature. Additionally, students explore college and career planning as well as tips for dealing with information in technology today.
English IV
1.0 unit (2 semesters)
English IV emphasizes the interpretation of various types of literature from different time periods. The genres covered include fiction, drama, and poetry. The dramatic play Cyrano de Bergerac is read and studied for its use of language to convey dilemmas and themes. Poetry studies include a survey of British poetry as well as ancient and modern poetry from various cultures and in various periods. Students are also given a wide range of writing assignments. For example, students produce a fiction story and a script. They also write essays evaluating literary elements. The course also includes research and writing arguments with logic. These various writing assignments help prepare students for end-of-course and SAT essay writing. Coverage is also given to analyzing and evaluating media and speeches, as well as using presentation and discussion skills.
Course Name | Course Type |
GRADE 6 MATH | Elem/Mid |
GRADE 6 SCIENCE | Elem/Mid |
GRADE 7 MATH | Elem/Mid |
GRADE 7 SCIENCE | Elem/Mid |
GRADE 8 MATH | Elem/Mid |
GRADE 8 SCIENCE | Elem/Mid |
Algebra I
1.0 unit (2 semesters)
Algebra I is a common starting point for high school math studies. A review of fundamental math skills in unit 1 will ensure students are ready for algebraic concepts. Students’ math competence will grow as they learn to solve expressions, functions, and equations by using formulas, ratios, proportions, percentages, and rates. Other concepts include exponents and scientific notation, polynomials and trinomials, multi-step inequalities, slope formulas, and systems of equations and inequalities. Students will solve quadratic functions through various methods including graphing, factoring, square roots, completing the square, and the quadratic equation. Using tables and graphs, students will analyze and organize data and statistics. Students will learn to work and solve exponential, radical, and rational functions and equations. The final unit ties algebraic concepts to the study of geometry.
Algebra II
1.0 unit (2 semesters)
Algebra II will consolidate and build on students’ knowledge acquired in Algebra I. After a review of Algebra I concepts, students will take an in-depth look at linear equations, inequalities, and functions. Students will be introduced to matrices, apply Cramer’s Rule in solving linear systems, and solve graphs and equations of conic sections. Using graphs, factoring, and the quadratic formula, students will solve quadratic equations, inequalities, and functions. Students will investigate how to graph, factor, invert and solve polynomials, as well as solve rational expressions, radical expressions, fractional exponents, and rational inequalities. Students will examine the properties, transformations, and applications of exponential and logarithmic functions. Applying probability and data analysis, students will determine probability and model data. The final unit will present trigonometric concepts to prepare students advancing to trigonometry.
1.0 unit (2 semesters)
This course, dealing primarily with two-dimensional Euclidean geometry and solid geometry, promotes the development of logical reasoning skills and is useful in many life situations. Beginning with the fundamental concepts of line segments and angles, students will progress to conditional statements, geometric and algebraic proofs, and line relationships. In studying polygons, students will learn the properties of triangles, quadrilaterals, and circles along with geometrical concepts including the Pythagorean Theorem and the relationship of pi (π) to circumference and area in a circle. In the study of solid geometry, students will learn how to determine area and volume for prisms, cylinders, pyramids, cones, and spheres. Students will apply learned geometric skills in working with ratios, similarities, transformations, and symmetry before concluding the course with an inquiry into the fundamentals of trigonometry.
College Prep Math
1.0 unit (2 semesters)
Precalculus explores a wide variety of mathematical concepts with the goal of preparing students for calculus or other college-level math courses. A review of number properties, factoring, the quadratic formula, and the Cartesian coordinate system will prepare students for advanced math concepts. Students will use graphing calculators to plot graphs and solve equations. Students will learn to solve a variety of problems including parent functions, transformations, even and odd functions, domain and range, operations, linear functions, regression, correlation, quadratic functions, polynomials, asymptotes, and exponential, logistic, and logarithmic functions. Trigonometric studies include angle measurement, arc length, functions, reciprocal and quotient identities, Pythagorean identities, sines, and cosines. Sequences and series precede inquiries into the characteristics and applications of conic sections and vectors. The course concludes with an investigation into parametric equations and polar equations.
Other Lab
1.0 unit (2 semesters)
Anatomy and Physiology introduces students to the structures and functions of the amazing human body. Students will learn about different organ systems and how they work together to maintain life. Some of these organ systems include the circulatory, digestive, skin, reproductive, and respiratory systems. Students will examine different diseases that affect these systems and the treatments (both traditional and new) used to fight the diseases. The development and effects of aging on the different organ systems are explored throughout Anatomy and Physiology.
Other Lab
1.0 unit (2 semesters)
In Aquatic Science students will test, predict, and learn about water and things pertaining to water. The first unit will guide students to think of water as a system. Learning the chemistry and physics of water, students will complete a course project by applying scientific methods to collect and analyze data on a local body of water. A survey of the physical properties of the ocean, including their formation and composition, will precede an inquiry into how the atmosphere and sun interact with the hydrosphere to create weather. Students will examine the elements and properties of aquatic ecosystems, including aquatic biology and marine and freshwater ecosystems. In the final unit, students will consider the relationship between humans and water, including challenges such as population growth competing for resources with agriculture and industry.
1.0 unit (2 semesters)
In Biology, students will develop an appreciation for the living world. A brief history of biology followed by an investigation of the basic unit of life—the cell—will prepare students for deeper research. Students will explore topics concerning genetics, including meiosis, heredity, and DNA. Students will consider natural selection, the origin of life theories, and the mechanics of evolution. An exploration of “little critters” such as bacteria precedes a study of plant structures, processes, and reproduction. Students will inquire into animal behavior and characteristics as they study invertebrates, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals, among others. An inspection of nutrition and disease will lead students to examine human body systems. The course will conclude with an analysis of the interdependence of living things in ecosystems.
Physical Sciences
1.0 unit (2 semesters)
A foundational branch of physical science, the principles, and laws of chemistry find many applications in business, technology, health care, and other fields outside traditional scientific areas. Beginning with a look at measurements, calculations, data analysis, and the scientific method, students will investigate the properties of elements, compounds, and mixtures. A survey of the history of theories of atomic structure will lead students to Mendeléev’s periodic table and an inspection of the periodic law. Next, students will apply atomic theory in the study of molecular and chemical bonding interactions through chemical formulas, reactions, and stoichiometry. Students’ knowledge will expand as they learn about the states of matter, gas laws, solutions, acids and bases, thermochemistry and reaction kinetics, and oxidation-reduction reactions. The course concludes with inquiries into organic chemistry, biochemistry, and nuclear chemistry. Throughout the course, there are lab investigations, including video labs, to reinforce science concepts and skills.
Other Lab
1.0 unit (2 semesters)
Medical Microbiology explores the world of tiny (micro) organisms that are responsible for making people sick. Students learn about the common bacteria, viruses, and protists that cause sickness and disease in humans. Medical Microbiology delves into different ways these germs and diseases can spread from person to person, throughout a community, and eventually around the globe while discussing the best practices for stopping them from spreading. Students look into different medications and how they work to kill or slow the growth of different microorganisms. Students will also research why some antibiotic medications are no longer effective against the bacteria that cause disease. Medical microbiology also teaches laboratory skills in how to effectively grow and isolate different colonies of microorganisms in Petri dishes.
Physical Sciences
1.0 unit (2 semesters)
In IPC, students will learn many fascinating chemistry and physics concepts. Students have a brief introduction to the scientific method, lab safety, and the metric system. The study of chemistry begins with the atomic theory and the Periodic Table, applying theory to develop chemical formulas and balance equations. The course includes investigations into acids and bases, gas laws, and nuclear chemistry. Students explore Newton’s laws of motion and other physics concepts including mass, force, motion, velocity, acceleration, gravity, and energy. A study of electricity and magnetism, simple machines, the laws of thermodynamics, and energy waves rounds out the physics portion of the course. Throughout the course, there are lab investigations, including video labs, to reinforce science concepts and skills.
Physical Sciences
1.0 unit (2 semesters)
In this course, students will learn physics concepts, including matter and energy, motion and force, speed, velocity, and acceleration in order to better understand how the universe behaves. A survey of the historical development of physics as a foundational branch of science will lead to recognition of the contributions of Newton, Einstein, Planck, and others. Students will apply physics concepts as they study gravity and acceleration, momentum, motion, and energy. The concepts of work and power will become evident as students learn how machines use torque and force to accomplish work. Students will recognize the roles of each fundamental force and will investigate electrostatics, thermodynamics, waveforms, particles, and quantum physics. Following an examination of the nucleus, radioactivity, fission, and fusion, the course concludes with the theories of special and general relativity. Throughout the course, there are lab investigations, including video labs, to reinforce science concepts and skills.
0.5 unit (1 semester)
The Economics course begins with a survey of the basic principles concerning production, consumption, and distribution of goods and services within the free enterprise system. Students will examine the rights and responsibilities of consumers and businesses, analyze the interaction of supply, demand, and price, and study the role of financial institutions. Types of business ownership, market structures, and basic concepts of consumer economics will be surveyed. The impact of a variety of factors including geography, government intervention, economic philosophies, historic documents, societal values, scientific discoveries and technological innovations on the national economy, and economic policy will be an integral part of the course. Students will apply critical- thinking skills to create economic models and to evaluate economic activity patterns. Students will also examine the knowledge and skills necessary as self-supporting adults to make critical decisions relating to personal financial matters such as seeking college financial aid, using credit wisely, and balancing financial accounts.
OK History
0.5 unit (1 semester)
The 9th Grade Oklahoma History class is a one-semester course surveying the history of Oklahoma through the strands of social studies, including geographical, economic, and cultural study. The course begins with an exploration of Oklahoma’s geography, natural resources, cities, and transportation infrastructure. A chronological study of Oklahoma history begins with the prehistoric period up until the arrival of the first Europeans. Students will learn about the arrival of the Five Tribes via the Trail of Tears, the American Civil War in the Indian Territory, and the Boomer movement that led to statehood. Events of the 20th century include the Green Corn Rebellion, Oklahoma’s contributions to World War I and II, the civil rights movement, political realignment, and the Oklahoma City bombing. The course concludes with an investigation of cultural contributions by creative Oklahomans.
1.0 unit (2 semesters)
In World Geography, students will learn the six essentials of geography: spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, and uses of geography. After a broad survey of Earth’s structure, hydrosphere, and climates, the focus of each unit narrows to a particular region of the world. By examining the physical geography of each region, including water resources, climate, vegetation, and natural resources, students will understand the influence of geography on economic activities, human culture, and history. In addition, students will investigate the impact of human activity on the environment, including pollution and development, and consider the implications.
1.0 unit (2 semesters)
World History is a survey of the development of civilizations from prehistoric times to the present. The journey begins with ancient civilizations including Mesopotamia, Egypt, and China, and the foundations of western civilization: ancient Greece and Rome. Students will analyze developments in Africa, Asia, and Europe during the Middle Ages, including the Crusades. Students will understand how the Renaissance and Reformation provided a springboard for the Age of Reason and the Scientific Revolution. An inquiry into events such as the American War of Independence and the French Revolution will prepare students to consider the great advances and social upheaval sparked by the Industrial Revolution. Students will probe the causes, events, and consequences of the two world wars and the rise and fall of Communism. The course concludes with a look at developments shaping current events.
US History
1.0 unit (2 semesters)
U.S. History Since 1877 details the American story from Reconstruction to the present day. Beginning with western expansion, students will analyze the impact of events including the rise of cities and capitalism, the Alaska Purchase, and the Spanish-American War. Students will understand how technological advances including the assembly line and harnessing electricity, as well as the Progressive agenda of societal reform, influenced American prosperity. Students will consider America’s rise to a world power during World War I before probing events leading up to World War II, including the Great Depression. Students will examine the momentous war and its consequences, including the Cold War and the Korean War, and investigate later 20th-century events, including the Reagan era and the Persian Gulf War. The course concludes with a look at recent events, including the War on Terrorists.
US Government
0.5 unit (1 semester)
U.S. Government commences its examination of American democracy with a general overview of the purpose, types, origin, and formation of governments. Students will explore how colonial self-rule, English law, and weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation influenced the formation of the U.S. Constitution. Students will investigate the principles of the Constitution and the federal system. The purpose, powers, and relationships among the American institutions of self-government—Congress, Presidency, and the Judiciary—will be examined as well as federal, state, and local governments. Students will become aware of their civic responsibility to vote and participate in the governmental process as they gain understanding of the functions and organization of political parties, the evolution of the two-party system, and the influence of public opinion and political ideology on government decisions.
Fine Arts
0.5 unit (1 semester)
This comprehensive introduction to music begins with basic musicianship and evolves into music history, covering genres from the Medieval period through current Western popular music. Musical theatre and art music from India and Bali will also be addressed.
0.5 unit (1 semester)
This course will guide students through attaining proficiency in touch typing and word processing skills. In an increasingly digital world, the ability to quickly and accurately type and create well-formatted documents will prove invaluable and advantageous in completing schoolwork, communicating professionally, and pursuing personal education and career goals.
0.5 unit (1 semester)
This Career and College course is designed to help high school students start to plan for life after high school. It has students evaluate their skills and make goals for the future that will help them to have successful careers post high school. This course is good for students who may not be sure of their post high school goals.
Fine Arts
1.0 unit (2 semesters)
1.0 unit (2 semesters)
1.0 unit (2 semesters)
0.5 unit (1 semester)
In this semester course, students will learn the fundamentals of modern journalism: reporting, interviewing, writing techniques, censorship issues, page design, and broadcast journalism.
0.5 unit (1 semester)
This semester course is designed to improve and enhance students’ own poetic skills by teaching them how poets use the language devices of sound, sensory images, figurative expressions, and musical rhythms to share their insights through word-art. Throughout the course, students will experiment with traditional formats and with many free-verse styles of poetry.
0.5 unit (1 semester)
This semester course guides students in writing fiction by learning and using the elements of creative writing: plot, character development, dialogue, description, scene, transition, and point of view. Two short stories are required.
0.5 unit (1 semester)
This semester course is designed to help students write to convey information clearly, concisely, and accurately; to experience comprehensive editing and copyediting; and to write instructions and memos. This course will also help students improve their writing style.
0.5 unit (1 semester)
This is an introductory writing course designed to create a full foundation for the English language by focusing on the basics of grammar, such as parts of speech, types of sentences, and commonly misused words. This course prepares students to read and write within the conventions of English.
Additional Core
0.5 unit (1 semester)
This semester course is a study of the way groups act and think as a result of socialization. It also focuses on students’ roles in society and how they can personally make a difference.
0.5 unit (1 semester)
Through engaging stories, examples, and case studies, students will learn to analyze themselves and make adjustments to become ready for real life. Covered topics in this semester course include perspective, independence, communication, social expectations, balance, relationships, and citizenship. Lessons include instructor-graded portfolio activities, which should be submitted as a whole before requesting the final exam.
0.5 unit (1 semester)
This reading course takes students on a literary journey around the world by reading the adventures of Harry Potter, Gandhi’s words of wisdom, Chilean folk tales, and much more while learning about important pre-, during-, and after-reading techniques.
0.5 unit (1 semester)
This semester course is all about giving students the tools to become better readers and more appreciative of good books; this will help them understand the joy that comes from recreational reading. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “’Tis the good reader that makes the good book.” Students will learn reading strategies that will help them not only become better readers but also enjoy reading even more.
0.5 unit (1 semester)
This semester course will identify important strategies to help students understand and remember what they have read. It will help students improve their reading speed and comprehension through carefully designed exercises. Fluency and vocabulary will be included with comprehensive skills.
0.5 unit (1 semester)
This semester course provides an exploration of proven masters in major genres, including epic poetry, short story, drama, and the novel. Major themes include love of self, of others, and of principle.
0.5 unit (1 semester)
This course is an introduction to interior design. Students will learn the fundamentals of design and their application to interiors as they create designs and share them with their peers.
0.5 unit (1 semester)
This course introduces students to vegetable gardening, including design, preparation, planting, and growing.
1.0 unit (2 semesters)
In this hands-on food and nutrition course, students will use a variety of sources and activities to discover how food affects the way their body works, including cooking meals, researching individual nutrition needs, tracking eating habits, and planning meals based on scientific guidelines. Students will also learn about different careers related to food and nutrition through interviews with various professionals in the field. This is the first course in a two-part Food and Nutrition series (FOODS 041 and FOODS 043).
0.5 unit (1 semester)
In Meteorology, students will learn how severe weather conditions like hurricanes, tornadoes, and thunderstorms develop. In this nonmathematical look at meteorology, students will also learn why the earth has seasons and how water in the atmosphere affects weather.
0.5 unit (1 semester)
This course will provide an introduction to Digital Audio Technology. It will give an overview of the history of audio recording, including inventors and the technology they developed. The course will also focus on the current trends in digital audio technology, such as computer music, digital audio workstations, and building a recording studio. Each step in the audio production cycle will be discussed along with the equipment and programs used. Script writing, audio assets, sound effects, and music for film are also discussed in the course. The course will further analyze the audio production industry by examining career path opportunities, educational options, and industry certificates that can be obtained. Ethical concerns will be addressed as well as the legal aspects of the profession. Employability skills such as interviewing, budgeting, and writing cover letters and resumes will also be developed.
Computer Technology
0.5 unit (1 semester)
In this course you will get a sense of what is involved in the computer science area. You will learn about computer hardware and software. Using the internet and web will be discussed. A problem-solving approach will be taught, and communication, online safety, and ethics will be discussed. Simple programming using the Code.org software program will be taught throughout the course as well.
0.5 unit (1 semester)
Clothing Fashion Fundamentals includes a history of fashion, surveys current fashion designers, and introduces students to careers in clothing and fashion design. Students who take this course will also learn how to apply the fundamentals of fashion to their own wardrobe.
0.5 unit (1 semester)
This course is designed for prospective parents. It focuses on financial, emotional, coping, and communication skills.
0.5 unit (1 semester)
Business Law introduces students to the laws and court procedures that pertain to business owners and consumers.
0.5 unit (1 semester)
This course is designed to help prepare students for the business world. The course dives into appropriate business written communication and interpersonal skills.
0.5 unit (1 semester)
Automotive Basics is an introductory course about basic maintenance of automobiles and how the components (engine, wheels, breaks, etc.) work.
Fine Arts
0.5 unit (1 semester)
This semester course will give you a beginning understanding of the digital camera and basic picture editing. The skills you learn in this class will help you to take better pictures for the rest of your life. Note: Students will require access to a digital camera that is NOT a phone camera.
Fine Arts
0.5 unit (1 semester)
A hands-on drawing semester course that introduces students to different drawing techniques. Students will create various art projects based on the techniques they learned.
1.0 unit (2 semesters)
In the Accounting I Jump Course for high school, students will learn a basic overview of the different functions in accounting. This includes rules for financial reporting and the parts of the balance sheet, income statement, and statement of stockholders’ equity and retained earnings. Students will then be guided through the accounting cycle, learning how to create these documents and utilize them within a corporation. Students will journalize payments and invoices in accounts payable and accounts receivable, understand the different methods of inventory, and calculate payroll and taxes. Students will complete the course with the Accountant Simulation Project, an assignment where they will fulfil all steps of the accounting cycle without guidance and then present a completed cycle with notes for future opportunities for their simulated corporations.
0.5 unit (1 semester)
The Advertising course teaches the principles and practices of advertising as an integral part of marketing communication. The course begins with a look at the professional opportunities available in the advertising field. Students are asked to consider environmental, ethical, and other professional responsibilities. They learn about the marketing research process and the components of advertising using the PESO model. Students apply demographics, segmentation, and the four major sales channels to define target markets and make a sales presentation. In the final Module, students use the knowledge gained about the product cycle to complete a final project simulating a promotional campaign for a new product.
Fine Arts
1.0 unit (2 semesters)
Art History will help students develop skills to recognize and appreciate the diversity of art. The course begins with prehistoric and ancient art before introducing students to the classical art of the Greeks and Romans. Students will survey medieval art before exploring the glory days of art and architecture, the Renaissance. The use of light and shadow to evoke emotion during the Baroque period will impress students as will the whimsical style of the Rococo period. Students will contrast the Neoclassical return to idealized subjects with the Romantic era’s imagination. Appreciation of art will grow as students study Impressionist and Post-Impressionist artists such as Monet and Van Gogh. The course concludes with students tracing modern art movements, including expressionism, minimalism, as well as conceptual art and artists, including Rodin, Picasso, Mondrian, and O’Keeffe.
1.0 unit (2 semesters)
Beginning with a look at astronomy’s history, students will recognize the contributions of Ptolemy, Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton to our understanding of the universe. The second unit investigates telescopes and detectors such as radio receivers. An examination of the characteristics and processes of the Sun will be followed by a look at the terrestrial planets: Mercury, Venus, and Mars. After studying the Earth-Moon system, students will explore facts about the minor planets, Jupiter, Saturn, and the outer planets. Moving beyond the solar system, students will learn the characteristics of stars, galaxies, and deep space objects. Students will better appreciate the night sky after learning the constellations and will ponder the origin and fate of the universe with an inquiry into impermanence, special and general relativity, and cosmology.
0.5 unit (1 semester)
The New Testament (NT) course will equip students with a basic literacy of the NT scriptures. To begin, students will explore the history and characteristics of the NT, survey each book, and recognize the centrality of Jesus of Nazareth. An inquiry into the Christian era will inform students of the NT impact on children, slavery, women, marriage, and education. Students will investigate the profound influence of the NT on politics, limited government, and the concept of justice as seen in important American events including the American Revolution and the U.S. Constitution. Students will understand the effect of the NT on literature after reading selections from Great Expectations, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, and other literature. The course concludes with an examination of artwork related to NT events including the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
0.5 unit (1 semester)
The Old Testament (OT) course will equip students with a basic literacy of the Hebrew scriptures. The course begins with an examination of the major divisions, authorship, and translations of the OT before surveying each individual book. The second unit examines the impact of the OT on worldview, society and morals, family, human fallibility, modern science, and the value of human life. Students will recognize the impact of Hebrew scriptures on important events and historical documents including the Reformation, the Magna Carta, and the U.S. Constitution. Students will next probe the influence of the OT on language, culture, and literature, including idioms, Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Handel’s Messiah, Milton’s epic poem Paradise Lost, and spirituals. The course will conclude by introducing students to the influence of OT on artworks including The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo.
1.0 unit (2 semesters)
In Career Prep, students are given tools to be successful in future careers. The career clusters and their associated career paths are the focus of the course. Students will learn how to survey the job market, fill out paperwork, and thrive in the workplace. Students will create an electronic portfolio throughout the course. The portfolio includes letters of interest to employers, resumés and cover letters, interview preparation documents, a career plan, as well as other reports. The course is designed for students who are currently working and can leverage real-life experience into their course projects.
0.5 unit (1 semester)
Child Development prepares students to understand the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual growth and development of children. The course is designed to help young people acquire knowledge and skills essential to the care and guidance of children as a parent or caregiver. Emphasis is on helping students create an environment for children that will promote optimum development. Students also investigate careers in child development.
Computer Technology
1.0 unit (2 semesters)
In this course, you are going to pull back the veil on what goes into some of the technology we use every day. You will investigate computer hardware and software and learn what goes into building a computer while exploring programs and applications, you’ll study the history of the internet and how to use its capabilities even more effectively, and you’ll also dive deep into email and some of today’s most powerful processing tools. Also, you’ll analyze modern websites, learn design elements and principles, and even create your very own website. You’ll learn to write algorithms, use common web languages, and explore some of the basics of AI all while becoming a good digital citizen. Lastly, you’ll explore various careers in computing, learn about industry certifications, and see how a resume and portfolio can help you.
1.0 unit (2 semesters)
This course is a Career and Technical Education course for use in the Health Science or Human Services career pathways. The course covers general topics for personal and professional development (soft skills), such as time management, critical thinking, and problem-solving, communication, team building, ethics, and character. It also focuses on many mental health topics, including the history of mental health care, modern mental health care systems, the nervous system, mental health across life stages, stress, depression, and other mental disorders. Students research the professional development of workers in the mental health field, such as the scope of practice, ways to recognize abuse, and methods for adapting to change. Student and professional organizations for career development are discussed as well. The course ends with activities exploring careers and researching training opportunities.
Computer Technology
0.5 unit (1 semester)
Cybersecurity 1a: We depend more on the technologies we interact with every day; and we put more and more of our personal data out there online. Can all of that data really be kept “secret”? Learn about the various parts of your computer, how they work together, and how you can manipulate them to keep your data safe. Dive into the tools, technologies, and methods that will help protect you from an attack and discover the many opportunities in the rapidly growing field of cybersecurity.
Cybersecurity 1b: Unmask the cybersecurity threats around you by understanding hackers and identifying weaknesses in your online behavior. Learn to avoid the various types of cyberattacks, including those to your social media accounts, and to predict the potential legal consequences of sharing or accessing information that you do not have rights to. Dig into these crimes in depth by taking a look at cyber forensics and other cybersecurity careers. Cybersecurity will play an increasingly larger role in our personal and professional lives in the years to come.
1.0 unit (2 semesters)
The Entrepreneurship course is designed to grow the student’s passion for starting, growing, and excelling in business ventures. The student will explore the basics of starting a business, from brainstorming great concepts to execution and profitability. Entrepreneurship includes more than just starting businesses, but explores the ventures of product development, marketing, distribution, and sales. The student will expand his or her knowledge in the areas of proper product and service pricing, financial planning and growth, accounting and bookkeeping, fundraising, marketing research, and business law. The course asks the student to practice the knowledge and skills he or she has gained by developing and writing a business plan for their very own business venture. The student will gain a complete understanding of what it takes to make a business a success and possibly gain a desire to actually start a company from scratch.
1.0 unit (2 semesters)
Semester A and B available. High school elective introduces students to career opportunities and educational pathways in a wide array of environmental fields. Students examine environmental legislation and regulations, government agencies and organizations, monitoring and testing methods and requirements. They discover the relationship between environmental regulations and careers, and study the issues, history, and current status of air and water quality, soil and atmospheric conditions. In an environmentally challenged world, ESS professionals are critically important. Job outlooks and salary scales reflect this need for educated, dedicated researchers, scientists, engineers, etc.
0.5 unit (1 semester)
High School Health I is a course focused on empowering late adolescents with skills and knowledge in order to maximize healthy decision-making. The course will allow students to explore a general approach to topics, such as nutrition and fitness, disease prevention, healthy risk-taking, health services, drug-use prevention, STDs, and abstinence. Students will focus on ways to maximize their physical, emotional, and social health. This is accomplished by promoting healthy relationships with family and peers, understanding the health risks of drug use and sexual activity, all the while providing skills for avoiding unhealthy decisions. Throughout this half-credit course, students will become empowered as agents over the future of their own health.
0.5 unit (1 semester)
Human Resource Management (HRM) is vital to every organization. In this course, students will discover the role of the human resource manager. They will define the role, as well as policies, procedures, and legal requirements within the role. Students will also cover the life cycle of the employee, including hiring practices, training, labor laws, discipline, reward, benefits, and termination. Students will discover how to be human resource professionals as liaisons for both the organization and the employees. Students will learn how to enforce employer responsibilities while protecting employee rights. Through a better understanding of human resource management, students will learn how to become better managers and employees in the future.
1.0 unit (2 semesters)
Lifetime Fitness & Wellness Pursuits guides the student through a variety of topics relating to physical activities and methods for pursuing a healthy lifestyle. This course is structured to provide both academic knowledge relating to fitness and participation in a variety of physical activities. Subjects studied include biomechanical principles, fitness and equipment safety, anaerobic and aerobic exercises, hydration best practices, social and emotional health, and more. Fitness projects focus on topics including power, speed, reaction time, cardiovascular health, teamwork, and warm-up and cool-down techniques. Finally, the student will develop both personal nutrition and fitness plans to be consistently utilized within daily life.
0.5 unit (1 semester)
The Logic I course will improve the critical thinking skills of students through the study of informal logic. The course will challenge students to evaluate whether humans are rational or emotional beings. The majority of the course explores occurrences of faulty reasoning known as logical fallacies. Students will learn to recognize and expose fallacies when evaluating and critiquing arguments. Fallacies covered include appeal to fear, irrelevant thesis, straw man, false analogy, red herring, and misuse of statistics. Students will apply the study of types, components, and principles of argumentative dialogue in preparing a dialogue of their own. During the course, students will consider and analyze Aesop’s Fables and “The Cave” by Plato. The course concludes with a comprehensive review of fallacies and a preview of formal logic.
0.5 unit (1 semester)
Logic II introduces the student to the world of Aristotelian formal logic. Students will use classical tools, including the Porphyrian tree and Euler’s circles to translate arguments into propositions organized within the categorical form. Students will also learn to analyze the validity of arguments using the square of opposition, terminological rules, Venn diagrams, and the Barbara, Celarent, Darii, Ferio mnemonic. The course concludes with an evaluation of presuppositional disputes and a survey of hypothetical syllogisms.
1.0 unit (2 semesters)
Medical Terminology is a course for students with an interest in the medical field. This course provides students with knowledge of Latin and Greek roots, prefixes, and suffixes in addition to combining forms and eponymous terms related to the many systems of the human body. Students are also able to learn more about the many professions, specialists, and treatment plans associated with different areas of the body. This course introduces new ways of looking at the body through the lens of medical terms and their origins.
Fine Arts
1.0 unit (2 semesters)
This course is designed to help the non-musician understand music basics, including such topics as reading a musical score, melody and harmony, rhythm, music history (styles by period), music theory, musical genres, instruments, orchestration, and arrangement. The course even covers the creation of musical scores using popular music arrangement software. Other topics include the science of musical sound, health and wellness for performers, classical symphony concerts, besides opera performances and etiquette when attending. The course strives to help non-musicians gain an understanding of the world of music and to become well-rounded individuals.
Personal Financial Literacy
0.5 unit (1 semester)
The Personal Finance course introduces students to strategies and practices that empower them to manage their money wisely. Students first perform a self-analysis to discover their money personality. A study of good consumer habits includes a comparison of renting and buying. Students learn the steps to building wealth, including building an emergency fund, evaluating and embracing risk when investing, and using credit sparingly and wisely. A survey of consumer rights accompanies the steps recommended to protect one’s personal information. Students survey types of insurance and evaluate the role of each in limiting personal financial risk. The course concludes with an entire Unit dedicated to evaluating higher education opportunities, costs, and funding.
1.0 unit (2 semesters)
Business Management is an integral part of the Business, Marketing, and Finance Career and Technical Education clusters. Students will examine evolving views of management with an emphasis on leadership. Next, students will consider ethical case studies and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of various organizational structures. In units 4 through 6, students will analyze the decision-making process as it applies to management issues, such as quality control and improving communication. Beginning with unit 7, students will investigate employee compensation and legal matters concerning hiring and firing. The course concludes with a presentation of practical tools to build one’s personal habits and to nurture team building.
1.0 unit (2 semesters)
The Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance course will expand the student’s knowledge in the many areas of business and free enterprise. The majority of the course takes a comprehensive look at business disciplines such as analyzing goods versus services, economics, financial management, principles of personal finance, marketing, the global economy, and government in business. The student will gain soft skills such as understanding business ethics, leadership, and the management of employees. The student will gain hard skills such as product management, finances, marketing campaigns, and sales. The course then takes a practical look at career opportunities in business and the professional skills needed to excel within the industry. The student will finish the course with a broad grasp on the principles of starting, operating, and managing a successful company.
1.0 unit (2 semesters)
Principles of Government and Public Administration (PGPA) introduces students to careers in public policy. PGPA explores government from the perspective of government and private-sector employees as well as elected officials. In this course, students examine different career avenues and their ethical and professional standards. PGPA introduces students to theories of governmental development alongside the constitutional principles underlying America’s federal and unitary forms of government. Students learn about the public official’s responsibility to protect citizens’ rights to due process and discover how interest groups influence public policy. Students then analyze the effect of policymaking on both the culture and society of the nation and foreign policy. The course concludes with an investigation into the role of government in a free-market economy, including its ability to stimulate invention and innovation.
1.0 unit (2 semesters)
Through an examination of the Principles of Education and Training, students will study the roles and responsibilities of teachers, administrators, and administrative support professionals. Students will analyze the characteristics, qualities, and traits of highly successful educators. Students will evaluate a variety of educational options available on their road to becoming professional educators. Students will also study the opportunities and paths possible when becoming corporate trainers or independent contractors, providing training services to a variety of clients. Throughout this course, students will have learned methods of classroom instruction and ways to develop Lesson plans. Students will use critical thinking skills to develop their own personal philosophy of education. Students will learn via the perspectives of students, teachers, and support professionals using real-life examples and situations to explore what it means to be an “educator for life.” Students will end this course by developing a graduation plan that leads to their calling as professional educators.
1.0 unit (2 semesters)
This course is designed to help prepare students for a career in the health science field. It covers healthcare systems and the roles of team members within these institutions. The course has many opportunities for students to explore the various careers within the healthcare field. It emphasizes the personal and professional skills required to succeed in this arena, including personal character qualities, teamwork, and leadership. Coverage includes the science of healthcare, including measurement, SI system, anatomy and physiology, and safety practices. It covers topics of healthcare at various life stages, from birth to death. Laws and regulations, best practices, and professional ethics are discussed, as well. Because this course has a careers emphasis, other topics covered include career preparation, the role of student and professional organizations, and the state of the health-care career field.
0.5 unit (1 semester)
This course enables students to investigate careers in human services including counseling, mental health, early childhood development, family and community, and personal care services. Each student is expected to complete the knowledge and skills essential for success in high-skill, high-wage, or high-demand careers. Skills learned in this course includes: responsible decision-making, setting both short- and long-term goals, and knowing how to react to and handle high stress crisis situations.
Computer Technology
1.0 unit (2 semesters)
"In the first semester, students will explore a range of concepts to gain the foundational knowledge needed to start exploring careers in the technology field to find out which ones suit their interests and abilities. They will learn about computer hardware and maintenance, data management and storage options, network systems, administration, and troubleshooting, word processing, spreadsheets, and databases. In the second semester, students will continue to build on the skills learned in first semester but getting an overview of programming, algorithms, compilers, web page design, and creating graphics. They will also explore cybercrime and security, emerging technologies, presentation software, and intellectual property laws.
In the second semester course, you will explore some of the basics of graphic design, web development languages, and coding. You will also learn about team building, communication and presentation software, and becoming a digital citizen, giving perspective on how to collaborate with others as you transition from school to the workplace. Lastly, you will uncover potential cyber threats and how to protect your own devices through features and behavior change before putting everything together in a culminating project: designing a website in Weebly.
These are all Chromebook friendly.
This course uses Microsoft programs, but most can be substituted with google alternatives. There are also free alternatives to access: https://alternativeto.net/software/microsoft-access/?platform=online
1.0 unit (2 semesters)
Principles of Law, Public Safety, Corrections, & Security explores the foundational elements of our legal system alongside the work of public servants and first responders. The course begins by taking a broad perspective on the origin of law and the U.S. Constitution. Constitutional rights of citizens are defined and applied to specific areas of public service. In the area of law, the student will analyze the role and importance of the court system, the responsibilities of lawyers, and general courtroom procedures. In the area of public safety, the student will explore the roles of first responders such as police, firefighters, and EMTs. In the area of corrections, the student will learn crime classification, the differences between prisons and jails, and the various levels and functions of criminal courts. The student will also understand the work of both public and private security, including private bodyguards protecting celebrities and security for major public events. By the end of the course, the student will know the careers related to public service and law, the ethical considerations of each, and the pathways required to gain these careers.
Additional Core
0.5 unit (1 semester)
The Psychology course begins with a look at basic social science skills including ethical decision-making and statistical evaluation. After a brief survey of careers in psychology, the student will explore the physical processes of the brain and body systems that shape sense and perception. The student will then study theories of development, personality, and conditioning. Next, students will explore mental processes behind thinking and memory, language acquisition, motivation, and emotions. Students will investigate the levels of consciousness and disorders leading to abnormal behavior. The course concludes with an examination of the individual and social behavior. Students will learn about stress, attitude formation, conflict resolution, conformity and obedience, altruism, and morality.
0.5 unit (1 semester)
Speech Communication seeks to improve the interpersonal and public communication skills of students. Surveying the communication process, students will learn the components and functions of communication, differentiate between oral and nonverbal communication, and comprehend the listening process. Developing familiarity with self and personal strengths and weaknesses, students will boost self-confidence as public speakers in situations such as speeches or interviews. The course will culminate with students applying their acquired communication skills in researching, preparing, and giving a speech.
0.5 unit (1 semester)
In Sports and Entertainment Marketing, students will explore the foundational elements of marketing as they pertain to the sports and entertainment industries. Students will primarily focus on the sports market, but other entertainment industries are analyzed as well, including music, theater, and television. Sports and Entertainment Marketing will require students to practice targeted marketing and segmentation as they relate to entertainment. Students will engage in several projects, including developing a ticket sales strategy, planning game operations, creating event strategies, and making a sports press kit. Students will investigate the distribution of sports and entertainment media, the fan experience, promotional plans, sponsorships and endorsements, as well as business ethics and sports legislation. By the end of this course, students will have an understanding of the career pathways and opportunities available in the sports and entertainment industries.
0.5 unit (1 semester)
The Virtual Business course guides students through the basics of starting, operating, and managing an online company. This course is designed for students interested in starting a virtual business by creating a web presence, conducting online and offline marketing, examining and creating business contracts for online business, and exploring project-management systems. The student will also explore bookkeeping processes, applicable legal company business structures, managing telecommuting employees, maintaining business records, as well as entrepreneurship. Virtual Business also guides the student through potential online career pathways by conducting various personality and career pathway assessments. The student will conclude the course by applying learned skills to create a company, including a business plan, branding the business, and creating a website using common website builder tools.
Computer Technology
0.5 unit (1 semester)
In Web Communications, students learn how to be good digital citizens. Rights, responsibilities, and digital communication tools are explored. Students learn how to search and choose valid internet sources for research while gaining a deeper understanding of new technologies. Students dive into the history of the Web and how it has changed over time. Topics such as internet safety, security, and cyberbullying are also analyzed. Using the knowledge gained in the course, students write a web-hosted blog post with HTML coding elements. The course ends with the fundamentals of web design and a project in which students create a simple webpage.
1.0 unit (2 semesters)
World Health Research introduces students to the various risk factors people face globally. The course shows how health outcomes in developed nations differ from those in developing nations. The course analyzes these trends, along with the origins of primary care. The course compares different organizations that identify and monitor global health threats. World Health Research allows students to explore specific research methods and design studies to understand world health problems and their impacts. The course also shows students the effects of infectious and chronic diseases across the globe, discussing emerging medical technologies and the response of the healthcare system. This course concludes with an analysis of ethical concerns regarding global health, the importance of clinical trials, and ways to enact global change.