World Language
About the Program
Students who elect to study a world language at Epic are choosing to begin a journey into a whole new and exciting world! As they develop their communication skills in the language, they will also gain an understanding of the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the target culture. Course lessons are fully aligned to Oklahoma standards. Lessons are differentiated for the needs of the student and teachers provide live lessons to support the virtual curriculum. In addition, teachers are available for individual assistance during office hours. Language learning is dependent upon active participation. Therefore, students are expected to engage in lessons focussing on all domains of language. As they progress, they will develop a better understanding of the function and organization of language, strengthening their skills in their own native language. This often leads to higher SAT and ACT test scores, especially in the areas of literacy and vocabulary development. Other benefits of learning a world language are improved memory function, enhanced problem solving and critical thinking skills, and overall higher academic achievement.

All of our courses are available to students grades 7-12 for high school credit. Students who are already proficient and have language experience have two options for testing out of a course. They may take a PBP (Proficiency Based Promotion) test or a CBE (Credit by exam).
Director of World Language, Chris Myers