Advanced Placement®
About the Program
Course Catalogue:
AP® Art History (1-year course)
AP® 2-D Art and Design (1-year course)
AP® 3-D Art and Design (1-year course)
AP® Drawing (1-year course)
AP® English Language and Composition (1-year course, junior year, Must choose Apex as core)
AP® English Literature and Composition (1-year course, senior year, Must choose Apex as core)
AP® Macroeconomics (1-semester course SPRING ONLY, prerequisites: Algebra II or Math Analysis, Must choose Apex as core)
AP® Microeconomics (1-semester course FALL ONLY, prerequisite: Algebra I, Must choose Apex as core)
AP® US Government and Politics (1-semester course, SPRING and FALL, Must choose Apex as core)
AP® US History (1-year course, Must choose Apex as core)
AP® Psychology (1-year course, Must choose Apex as core)
AP® World History (1-year course, Must choose Apex as core)
AP® Calculus AB (1-year course, prerequisites: Algebra II, Geometry, pre-Calculus w/Trigonometry, Must choose Apex as core)
AP® Statistics (1-year course, prerequisites: Algebra II or Math Analysis, Must choose Apex as core)
AP® Biology (1-year course, prerequisite: biology, Must choose Apex as core)
AP® Chemistry (1-year course, prerequisite: chemistry, Must choose Apex as core)
AP® Environmental Science (1-year course, prerequisites: two years of hs laboratory science, Must choose Apex as core)
AP® Spanish Language and Culture (1-year course, prerequisites: Spanish 1, 11, 111)
The College Board allows Epic Charter Schools to be approved as a testing site for any of the Advanced Placement® College Board exams, which is what is used by colleges and universities when deciding whether or not to award college credit. Fees for the Advanced Placement®/College Board exams can be paid out of the family learning fund if available.
Some of the Epic Charter Schools Curriculum offers Advanced Placement® courses and/or college preparatory courses. These courses will be clearly described. Please contact the Graduation Specialist Department if you have a student who is interested in concurrent or Advanced Placement® courses. They will assist you in that process with the family.
Advanced Placement® Courses
Grades are weighted for each semester of Advanced Placement® (AP®) courses successfully completed with a grade of “C” or better as follows:
A: 5.0 B: 4.0 C: 3.0
Grades below a “C” are not weighted.
Withdrawal Deadline
The deadline to drop an AP® course is 14 days after initial enrollment. After 14 days, students cannot be changed from the course under any circumstances, even if they are failing the class.
Advanced Placement® teachers will record grades for each student. The student’s primary teacher can find grades under Specialty Courses in PowerSchool.
Regular attendance is mandatory for success in an Advanced Placement® course. If a student must miss a lesson, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the AP® teacher to obtain approval and assignments/deadlines.
It is highly recommended that students sit for the AP® examinations in May. Students may use their LF to pay for exams if fees are available. Please reach out if fee assistance is needed.
Exams are $98 per exam. The late order fee/cancellation fee is $40. Students must confirm their intent to sit for the exam no later than November 10th, 2023. While exams are not mandatory at Epic, they will provide students the opportunity to gain college credit. *Please see the examination schedule below.
The 2024 AP® Exams will be administered in schools over two weeks in May: May 6-10 and May 13-17.
Testing Location: (Oklahoma City, 50 Penn Place & Tulsa, Epic Logan Building)
*denotes courses offered at Epic
Week 1
Monday, May 6, 2024
Morning 8 AM | *United States Government and Politics
Afternoon 12 PM | *Art History, *Chemisty
Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Morning 8 AM | Human Geography, *Macroeconomics
Afternoon 12 PM | Seminar, *Statistics
Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Morning 8 AM | *English Literature and Composition
Afternoon 12 PM | Comparative Government and Politics, Computer Science A
Thursday, May 9, 2024
Morning 8 AM | Chinese Language and Culture, *Environmental Science
Afternoon 12 PM | *Psychology
Friday, May 10, 2024
Morning 8 AM | European History, *United States History
Afternoon 12 PM | *Microeconomics, Spanish Literature and Culture
Week 2
Monday, May13, 2024
Morning 8 AM | *Calculus AB, Calculus BC
Afternoon 12 PM | Italian Language and Culture, Precalculus
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Morning 8 AM | *English Language and Composition
Afternoon 12 PM | African American Studies, Physics C: Mechanics
Afternoon 2 PM | Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Morning 8 AM | French Language and Culture, *World History: Modern
Afternoon 12 PM | Computer Science Principles, Music Theory
Thursday, May 16, 2024
Morning 8 AM | *Spanish Language and Culture
Afternoon 12 PM | *Biology, Japanese Language and Culture
Friday, May 17, 2023
Morning 8 AM | German Langauge and Culture, Physics 1: Algebra-Based
Afternoon 12 PM | Latin, Physics 2: Algebra-based
Best Practices:
Epic’s Advanced Placement® teachers are all required to complete AP®-specific Professional Development (APPD) as research shows significant engagement in APPD is associated with higher student performance on AP® examinations.
Best Practices for students:
Make sure you have all the required course materials
Read and complete all assignments on time. It is impossible to cram for an AP® examination.
Ask for help. It can be scary to reach out but your teachers WANT you to ask and are happy to help you every step of the way.
Pay attention. It’s easy to zone out in class, especially from the comfort of your own home behind a zoom screen. It’s so important to be mentally present.
Share notes. So you might zone out a time or two in class and this is where note-sharing with your classmates helps to keep each other on track and collaborate.
Stress is okay. But when you feel overwhelmed, give yourself and break and reach out for help to get you back on track.
Kaplan and The Princeton Review have some of the best AP® workbooks available. Worth it!
Get organized. Whatever method you use, make sure you are keeping all of your due dates and tests in one place- a planner, a calendar, or an app on your phone- and stick to it throughout the year.
Best Practices for the student’s roster teacher:
Make sure your student has all the necessary AP® course materials
Ask your student how they are doing in their AP® course(s) and reach out to the AP® teacher and Jennifer Robinson if you find the student needs additional help
Take an interest in what they are learning in an AP® course
Check the student’s grades in PS under Specialty Courses
Take frequent temperature checks on student performance asking about successes and struggles in their AP® coursework
Where to find resources:
PreAP offers weekly content instruction via Zoom with a certified AP instructor. PreAP is back-mapped from AP courses and prepares students for high level courses.
Pre-AP features grade-level instruction intended to give all students the opportunity for growth.
Pre-AP offers a focused framework, instructional support, model lessons, classroom assessments, and an optional final exam. Pre-AP focuses on skills that students will need to succeed in APcourses, college, and careers.
Course Catalog
Pre-AP English I
Pre-AP English II
Pre-AP Algebra I
Pre-AP Geometry w/ Statistics
Pre-AP Biology
Pre-AP Chemistry
Students in grades 8th through 10th grade are invited to participate in PreAP. PreAP is NOT an honors course or program.
Students will need to enroll in Apex as their core curriculum
PreAP Course letter grades have the following GPA weights:
A: 4.5 B: 3.5 C: 2.5 D: 1.5
Advanced Courses Director, Felicia Harrel
Music Program
Epic Music Program offers live, once-weekly piano, guitar, drums, and choir classes via Zoom with certified music instructors.
Students will learn to read and practice a variety of music pieces. Classes are available for Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Students (Level I, II, III, & IV). Music students are required to attend and practice weekly.
Course Catalog
Piano I, II, III, & IV
Guitar I, II, III, & IV
Drums I, II, III, & IV
Choir - Middle and High School (Hybrid)
Students in grades 5th through 12th can participate.
Music Instrument - The student must purchase their own instrument.
*Students in Choir are required to meet and perform at in-person locations (Tulsa/OKC).
0.5 Fine Arts Elective Credit for High School Students
Advanced Courses Director, Felicia Harrel
Art Program
Epic Art Program offers live, once weekly art classes via Zoom with certified art instructors.
Students will explore a variety of artists, art processes, and materials such as drawing, painting, printmaking, two & three-dimensional design, and digital art. Art students are required to attend and practice weekly.
Course Catalog
Art I
Art II
0.5 Fine Arts Elective Credit for Middle and High School Students
Students in grades 6th through 12th can participate.
Art supplies are needed to participate in this class.
Advanced Courses Director, Felicia Harrel

Students will need to choose Apex curriculum as their core choice (unless they enroll in an AP® art course only or AP® Spanish course only—an Epic AP® Certified Teacher.
Course size is limited. Enrollment in an AP® course is not guaranteed.
The deadline to enroll students in AP® courses is September 15, 2023.*
*Exception: if a student transfers to Epic after the deadline and they were previously enrolled in one of the AP® courses offered, they may enroll in those courses with Epic. Students wishing to take AP® courses will remain on their primary teacher's roster.
AP® Contract
An Advanced Placement® contract must be signed prior to beginning a course. The contract is designed to inform parents and teachers of specific requirements and expectations of the program. Contract Link
Director of Advanced Courses, Felicia Harrel
AP® Math Instructor, Kelsey Fortney
AP® Calculus, AP® Statistics
AP® History and Social Sciences Instructor, Rick Harris
AP® United States History, AP® World HistoryAP® United States Government and Politics, AP® Microeconomics, AP® Macroeconomics, AP® Psychology
AP® English Instructor, Jessica Jameson-Birden
AP® English Language and Composition, English Literature and Composition
AP® Science, Advanced Placement® Team Lead, Dr. Amie Schweitzer
AP® Biology, AP® Chemistry, AP® Environmental Science
AP® Art Instructor, Stacy Johnson
AP® 2D Art & Design, AP® 3D Art & Design, AP® Drawing, AP® Art History