We are thrilled to invite you to Epic's Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony.
Kindergarten students, we would like to congratulate and celebrate you at one of our ceremonies. We are offering these events at five different locations, on five different dates, to accommodate more of our families. Space is limited. It is better to register sooner rather than later so you can attend the ceremony of your choice. We ask that all who plan to attend register, so we can ensure we are not exceeding capacity at each of the event spaces.
In preparation for these ceremonies, we would like to share information we think will be helpful in your planning of attendance and participation.
You may be wondering what will happen at the event.
Students will walk across the stage and receive a certificate of participation for being a part of Epic’s 2024 Kindergarten classes. The ceremony will not guarantee promotion to the next grade; students will need to complete all necessary coursework for promotion.
Ceremonies will be held from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Photographers will be available beforehand for pictures. Graduation caps and gowns will be available to use for pictures.
CHECK-IN PROCEDURE: Upon arrival, please check in with an Epic staff member who will be located just inside the front entrance.
4:30 Arrive and Epic Staff will be ready to sign you in for the event.
4:30-5:45 Pictures with caps and gowns. A professional photographer will take pictures of students wearing a cap and gown. We will have a range of sizes of caps and gowns for students to use during the photo session.
6:00 Ceremony will begin. Students will walk across the stage and receive a certificate of participation for being a part of Epic’s 2024 Kindergarten class.
8:00 Ceremony will conclude
Answers to the questions you may have regarding the event:
“By participating in this ceremony, does this mean my student has officially graduated from their current grade level?” The ceremony will not guarantee promotion to the next grade; students will need to complete all necessary coursework for promotion.
Do I need to purchase a cap and gown?
No, we will provide them for use during the photo session.
Can I purchase my child their own cap and gown as a keepsake?
Yes, many online sources sell caps and gowns. However, students will not be wearing caps and gowns during the ceremony.
Attire-Students will wear dressy-casual, also referred to as Sunday Best. Students will not wear caps and gowns for the ceremony, but we will have various sizes to be used while taking pictures with the photographer.
Can I invite guests?-Yes, you may, but we do have limited space at each location. If you register a guest and you know they will no longer be able to attend, we kindly ask that you cancel tickets, so we can make those tickets available to others.
Is there a cost associated with this event? No
Will I need to register for pictures? No, this will be first come, first served. The photographer will take pictures of students before the ceremony and also as they are walking across the stage. The photographer will email you the proof of the picture, and you will be able to decide if you would like to purchase them.
Can a student request to sing the National Anthem at their ceremony? Yes, please send a video of the student performing the National Anthem to shannon.george@epiccharterschools.org. A request will be considered but is not a guarantee. A committee will watch submissions and vote, then we will reach out with an acceptance letter.
What about ADA accommodations? All of our locations are ADA-approved. If you require special modification, please email shannon.george@epiccharterschools.org as soon as possible.
Can students attend more than one ceremony? No, we ask that students only attend one ceremony.
Will there be a live stream of the ceremony? No, we will not have a live stream of the ceremony.
Will there be a slide show? No, due to the size of the classes, there will not be a slide show.
Do all Kindergarten students have to participate? No, but we encourage students to attend to mark this important event in their lives.
Will Epic staff continue planning to make this event the best it can be for all students?
Yes, absolutely, you can bet on it!
What do I do if I have a question about graduations that was not mentioned in the Eventbrite? Please email shannon.george@epiccharterschools.org
POLICIES: You will register for a ticket using Eventbrite which will hold your spot for the event as a reservation. Parents, please register yourself, the student participating, and all guests. This enables the school and the location to staff and plan appropriately.
Students cannot be dropped off to attend without a parent or guardian. You will need your student’s Epic ID number and teacher’s name when signing up for the event in Eventbrite.
Sensory Bags: Sensory bags will be available to check out for use at this event. Upon arrival, see any Epic Family Engagement team member to check a bag out, and return all sensory bags to a team member before leaving the event. There is a limited supply of these bags.
MEDIA POLICY: This is a public event, and photographs and/or video may be taken during the activities. If you would prefer that your student not be photographed or videoed, please let our Epic staff know during check-in.
CANCELLATIONS: As a reminder, if you sign up to come but are unable to make it, please cancel your reservation using your Eventbrite confirmation email. This will open up spots for other families.
Inclement Weather Plan: If we have inclement weather, we will send out communication by email through Eventbrite to let you know if the event has been canceled.