छात्र संगठन

4th & 5th Grade Native American Club
The 4th and 5th grade club introduces a new Native American tribe each week, immersing the students in culture through covering traditional homelands, housing, clothing, notable natives, and languages specific to each tribe. The Club provides students an opportunity to interact with other Native students throughout the state while learning about Native tribes.

Academic Bowl Team
Academic Bowl is a great opportunity to go head to head against your cross county rivals. Academic Bowl gives your students to the opportunity to receive recognition for what they know. Academic bowl features two teams of four. Each team may substitute at multiple points during the competition. The OAAC offers Academic Bowl competition levels for grades 4th - 10th but students may play up a grade and begin in 3rd.uestions for all levels of OAAC academic bowl are based on current curriculum and come from a pool of question writers using 80% current adopted textbooks & state standards with the remaining 20% coming from general academic bowl and cultural literacy type questions.

BRO Club
The Bro Club is a space for guys to hang out, share, and discuss events that impact young men. It is open to junior high and high schoolers.

Black Student Organization
Open to all students, learn about African-American leaders and icons as well as laws, movements, and celebrations impacting the African-American community.

Comet Coders
Comet Coders Clubs are clubs for students with an interest in learning how to code, make websites, video games, apps, animations, and more! This club is FREE to join. Students have the option to join the club virtually with their peers and a Comet Coding facilitator via Zoom or join the club individually as a self-study.

Creative Writing Club
Each week, students will tackle various writing prompts, exploring different styles. A group project will compile their writings into a book, printed for students and families to enjoy for years.

Cultural Explorer's Club
Cultural Explorers Club is a Hispanic children's book club celebrating our culture's rich diversity and traditions. We will learn about Hispanic culture through unique stories, vibrant traditions, and creative crafts.

Epic Basketball
2024-2025 Registration will open after July 17th
Epic Charter Schools Basketball is a great opportunity for Epic students to experience working in a team environment, get some great exercise, and, best of all, have some fun! Each Epic Comets basketball team will consist of players from your area and a play schedule that is a mix of leagues and tournaments.

Epic Chess Club
The Epic Chess Club is designed to give students an opportunity to learn the game of chess, improve their chess skills, and to enjoy challenging their peers.

Epic Comet Clovers 4-H Club
4-H is America's largest youth development organization empowering nearly six million young people with the skills to lead for a lifetime! In 4-H programs, kids and teens (9 to 19 years old) complete hands-on projects in areas like health, science, agriculture, civic engagement, and many more in a positive environment where they receive guidance from adult mentors and are encouraged to take on proactive leadership roles.

Epic Military Club
Enhance and strengthen our community engagement, ties, and relationship with all heroes that sacrifice their life and families to provide us peace and freedom. Recognize our troops and their families' sacrifice and commitment to our country. Demonstrate our commitment to embrace all students regardless of their social or cultural background.

GRL Club- Growing Resilient Leaders Club
The Growing Resilient Leaders (GRL) Club is a welcoming space where young women connect, share experiences, and engage in discussions about topics that impact their lives. This club provides an empowering environment for girls to build resilience, develop leadership skills, and support each other through their journey of personal growth.

Girls Who Code
Club for students to explore coding in a fun & friendly environment. GWC values diversity, equity, and inclusion focusing not only on gender diversity but also on young women who are historically underrepresented in computer science fields. The group is divided into two cohorts: 3rd-5th and 6th-12th.

Hispanic Student Organization (HSO)
Join our amazing organization to develop your leadership skills, build relations with other students, and learn about different hispanic cultures.

Indigenous Endeavors
Indigenous Endeavor is a STEAM program offered to Native American Pre-K through 12th-grade students, with a completed 506 form with Epic. This program will focus on STEAM Education, which incorporates learning that uses Sciences, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics as access points for guiding student inquiry, dialogue, and critical thinking. This program will be facilitated by cultural guidance and integration, allowing students to relate STEAM to their own Indigenous identity and heritage.
Students must have a 506 form filled out to be able to participate in Native American Programs

Jr. Naso
Jr. Native American Student Organization is an active cultural organization that works on aiding, enhancing and enriching the educational experience of Native American Students.

Junior Hispanic Student Organization (JHSO)
HSO is for ALL students in grades 6-8 who wish to join an organization dedicated to celebrating and learning about the Hispanic culture, heritage, and community.

Key Club
Key Club members around the world are learning how to lead and stand for what’s right through service and volunteerism. In partnership with their local Kiwanis club, high school students are making a positive impact as they serve others in their schools and communities.

Mock Trials
In mock trials, high school students in grades 9-12, model the roles of attorneys, plaintiffs, and defendants. They actively prepare and present their cases under the direct supervision of teacher coaches and attorney advisors.

Model United Nations
Develop leadership skills, communication skills, and global awareness. Expect to do outside work. Students will prepare debates to present at national competitions.

Open to competitve student athletes in grades 8-12 who are pursuing an athletic career at NCAA Division 1, 2, 3, or NAIA university or college. Students should already have competitive athletic experience with club or school teams. The NCAA Club will meet on Zoom monthly, through weekly discussions in the Schoology Group, and in person at community service activities at least once per school year.

The National Honor Society chapter of Epic Charter Schools is a duly chartered and affiliated chapter of this prestigious national organization for qualifying students in grades 10-12.

The National Junior Honor Society chapter of Epic Charter Schools is a duly chartered and affiliated chapter of this prestigious national organization for qualifying students in grades 6-9.

Native American Student Organization
The Native American Student Organization (NASO) provides a welcoming space for any student in grades 9-12 that are eager to connect, learn, and actively participate within the Native American Community. Our organization meets weekly via Zoom and provides a safe and inclusive space for students to meet, share, culturally engage, and contribute to their community. Students also have opportunities to hold leadership positions within the organization and engage with the community.

Poetry Out Loud
Poetry Out Loud is a student organization that encourages the study and recitation of poetry. Students will interact with an instructor each week and prepare their poetry for a chance to compete in the Epic Poetry Out Loud Competition

PreHealth Sciences
The pre-health club is designed to actively engage 9th-12th grade students who aspire to pursue a career in medicine.

Pride is a safe, accepting and affirming organization for students of all genders and identities.

Experience Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math in fun and engaging ways. We use project-based learning to help students explore exciting concepts! These clubs meet in person

Student Council (StuCo)
Student Council fosters school spirit, connects the administration with the student body, and provides leadership opportunities within the school and community. Members work together to solve real-world problems and make impactful decisions.

Warrior Book Club
Warrior Book Clubs are held in a safe, structured, virtual learning environment for Pre-K through 2nd-grade students to engage and interact with each other while listening to a read-aloud book. These books are based upon Indigenous themes or written by Indigenous authors. Language arts skills and standards are highlighted throughout these meetings

Whole Health and Wellness Club
The Club is a place where students can gather weekly to discuss and learn how to cultivate good mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health. We will discover lifelong skills, including self-care, healthy coping habits, and what to do if the student or someone they know is in crisis. It also serves as a safe space where students can share and connect with others. The club is a project of the Student Engagement team.

Whole Health and Wellness Club (In-Person)
The Whole Health Club is a place where students can gather weekly to discuss and learn how to cultivate good mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health. We will discover lifelong skills, including self-care, healthy coping habits, and what to do if the student or someone they know is in crisis.