Behavioral Health Services
In order to meet legal requirements, all students from grades 3 – high school are required to participate in yearly state-mandated testing. There is no opt-out option. Epic Charter Schools complies with these laws to maintain its charter status. The School will administer these tests at multiple locations throughout the state to accommodate student location.
Reading Sufficiency Act
The Reading Sufficiency Act (RSA) states that a third-grade student cannot be promoted to the fourth grade if they score Below Basic on the reading portion of the Oklahoma State Testing Program (OSTP). Children who score Basic (typically a second-grade reading level), Proficient, or Advanced will not have to be retained. Third Grade Retention Policy
Oklahoma’s current law requires that third-grade students who score at the unsatisfactory level on the reading portion of the third-grade criterion-referenced test shall not be promoted to the fourth grade unless they meet the exemptions set forth in this policy under section II.
I. The parent of any student who is found to have a reading deficiency and is not reading at the appropriate grade level beginning with the first grade class of 2011-12 and has been provided a program of reading instruction shall be notified in writing of the following:
That the student has been identified as having a substantial deficiency in reading;
A description of the current services that are provided to the student.
A description of the proposed supplemental instructional services and supports that will be provided to the student that are designed to remediate the identified area of reading deficiency.
That the student will not be promoted to the fourth grade if the reading deficiency is not remediated by the end of the third grade unless the student is exempt for good cause as set forth in Section II of this policy.
Strategies for parents to use in helping their child succeed in reading proficiency.
While the results of the criterion-referenced test are the initial determinant, it is not the sole determiner of promotion and that portfolio reviews and assessments are available.
The specific criteria and policies of the school district for midyear promotion.
II. For those students who do not meet the academic requirements for promotion at the end of the third grade school year, Epic Charter Schools may promote the student for good cause only according to one or more of the six good cause exemptions:
1. ELL Students
ELL Students are Identified English Language Learners (ELL) on a screening tool approved by OSDE of Bilingual/Migrant Education and have a Language Instructional Educational Plan in place prior to administration of the OSTP and have less than two years of instruction in an ELL program.
In addition to the good-cause exemptions, requests to exempt students from the academic requirements for promotion to the next grade shall only be made upon documentation submitted from the teacher of the student to the school principal that indicates that the promotion of the student is appropriate and is based upon the record of the student.
2. OAAP Students (IEP Students assessed with OAAP) – Students with disabilities on an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) who are assessed with Oklahoma Alternate Assessment Program (OAAP)
3. Alternative Assessments – Students who demonstrate an acceptable level of performance (minimum of 45th percentile) on a state-approved alternative reading test
4. Portfolio – Section 1210.508C (K) states that a student who scores Below Basic on the third-grade reading portion of the OSTP may be promoted to fourth grade if the student qualifies for one of the six good cause exemptions.
5. IEP Student who has been retained once – Students with disabilities who take the OSTP and whose IEP states that they have received intensive remediation in reading for more than two years but still show a – deficiency in reading and were previously retained in kindergarten, first grade, second grade, or third grade (or in a transitional grade).
6. Regular education student who has been retained twice – Students who have received intensive remediation in reading for two or more years but still have a deficiency in reading and have already been retained in kindergarten, first grade, second grade, or third grade (or in a transitional grade) for a total of two years.
RSA Remediation
III. Pursuant to state law, Epic Charter Schools shall:
Conduct a review of the program of reading instruction for all students who score at the Below Basic level on the reading portion of the criterion-referenced test and did not meet the criteria for one of the good-cause exemptions. The review shall address the additional supports and services needed to remediate the identified areas of reading deficiency. The school district shall require a student portfolio to be completed for each retained student.
Provide to students who have been retained with intensive interventions in reading, intensive Instruction services and supports to remediate the identified areas of reading deficiency, including a minimum of ninety (90) minutes of daily, uninterrupted, scientific-research-based reading instruction. Retained students shall be provided other strategies prescribed by the school district, which may include, but are not limited to:
small group instruction,
individual instruction by teacher or tutor,
more frequent progress monitoring,
tutoring or mentoring,
instruction through
appropriate reading core and supplemental programs (computer generated and traditional print format),
specific targeted reading lessons provided by the teacher or tutor for the parent and the student and extended instruction time during the school term and summer reading instruction
Provide written notification to the parent or guardian of any student who is to be retained that the student has not met the proficiency level required for promotion and the reasons the student is not eligible for a good-cause exemption. The notification shall include a description of proposed interventions and intensive instructional supports that will be provided to the student to remediate the identified areas of reading deficiency;
Provide parents of retained students the district’s policy on midyear promotion.
Provide students who are retained with a high performing teacher who can address the needs of the student, based on student performance data.
Provide students who are retained with at least one of the following instructional options:
supplemental tutoring in scientific-research-based reading services in addition to the regular reading instruction. ,
a parent-guided “Read at Home” assistance plan, the purpose of which is to encourage regular parent-guided home reading
an individual mentor or tutor to provide targeted instruction.
Reading sufficiency testing will be conducted in Epic Charter Schools to ensure that each student has attained the necessary reading skills upon completion of the third grade. Every student enrolled in kindergarten, first, second, and third grades shall be assessed for the acquisition of reading skills for the grade level in which enrolled.
The plan shall include a program of instruction, Academic Progress Plan, (APP) in reading designed to enable the student to acquire the appropriate grade level of reading skills. The plan shall also include, but not be limited to:
Additional time sufficient for the development of reading and comprehension skills of the student;
Tutorial instruction as needed during the regular school term and during the summer; however, such instruction may not be counted toward the 180 day school year required by law;
The five essential elements of reading instruction: phonemic awareness, phonics, spelling, reading fluency and comprehension.
The program will be continued until the student is determined not to be in need of remediation. The district reading sufficiency plan shall be adopted and annually updated, with input from school administrators, teachers, students, and parents, and if possible a reading specialist. This plan shall include a plan for each site, which includes an analysis of the data provided by the Oklahoma School Testing Program and other reading assessments utilized. A committee will be established at each school site to determine the reading assessment plan for each student for whom a plan is necessary. The committee shall be composed of educators and, if possible, shall include a certified reading specialist. A student’s parent or guardian shall be included in the development of a plan for that student.
A new reading assessment plan shall be developed and implemented for any third-grade student in need of remediation as determined by multiple ongoing assessments and reading assessments administered in the Oklahoma School Testing Program. If possible, a fourth-grade teacher shall be involved in the development of the reading assessment plan. The new plan shall include specialized tutoring and may include a recommendation as to whether the student should be retained in the third grade at the close of the year. The student’s parent or guardian shall be included in the retention consideration.
Policy on Midyear Promotion
Retained students may only be promoted midyear prior to November 1 and only upon demonstrating a level of proficiency required to score above the Below Basic level sufficient to master appropriate fourth-grade-level skills, as determined by the school. A midyear promotion shall be made only upon agreement of the parent or guardian of the student and the school principal.
For Grades 3-8
For the Reading and Math tests are administered in Grades 3-8; Science, U.S. History, and Writing are given in Grade 5; Geography is given in Grade 7; and Science, U.S. History and Writing are given in Grade 8. The Writing portion for Grades 5 and 8 are given separately from the other subjects. This test is dually aligned to the Oklahoma Academic Standards and the College and Career Readiness Standards for Writing.