Graduate Support Specialist Responsibilities
Graduation Support Specialists will team with the teachers to guide each student through graduation. Graduation Support Specialists connect with teachers to help students access the options available for graduation success.
Grade Promotion Policy
Elementary and Middle School grade promotion from one grade to the next shall be based on the following criteria:
Completion of the curriculum with a grade of 60% or higher – All Subjects.
If a student demonstrates a 90 percent proficiency level on a comprehensive standards-based exam, the student may be promoted to the next grade.
High School Classification
High School Classification for students is determined by the credit count of the student on the first day of school.
Freshman = 0-4.99 credits
Sophomore = 5-10.99 credits
Junior = 11-16.99 credits
Senior = 17 or more credits
Epic Graduation Requirements
There are two diploma tracks available to all students in the state of Oklahoma as outlined in Oklahoma Law 70 O.S. 11-103.6. The recommended diploma track for Epic Students is the College Preparatory/Work Ready Diploma. An optional, less rigorous track is the Core Curriculum Track. More information regarding the Core Curriculum Track can be obtained through the Graduate Support Department.
Epic will not approve GED forms for students under the age of 18 years old.
College Preparatory/Work Ready Diploma
Beginning with students entering ninth grade, the following units must be completed:
Four units of English that may include Grammar, Composition, Literature, or an English course approved for college admission.
Three units of Mathematics limited to Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Trigonometry, Math Analysis, Calculus and AP Statistics.
Three units of Laboratory Science that are limited to Biology, Chemistry, Physics, or any laboratory science course with content equal to or above Biology and approved for college admission requirements.
Three units of History that include one unit of American History, one-half unit Oklahoma History, one-half unit of United States Government, and one unit from the subjects of History, Government, Geography, Economics, Civics, or non-Western Culture.
Two units of the same Foreign Language or two units of Computer Technology.
One additional unit that is selected from the courses listed above.
One unit of fine arts, such as Music, Art, Drama, or Speech.
Six (6) elective units.
Epic Charter School graduation criteria require 23 units for graduation.
High School
The twenty-three credits that are required for graduation from Epic Charter Schools are outlined below. The 23 credits are from the following areas: COURSE CREDITS
4: ENGLISH: l, ll, lll, lV
3: MATHEMATICS: Algebra l and ll, Geometry, Trigonometry, Math Analysis, Calculus, AP Statistics
3: SOCIAL STUDIES and CITIZENSHIP SKILLS: US Government (1/2), OK History (1/2), US History (1) and (1) selected from History, Government, Geography, Economics, and Civics
3: SCIENCE: Biology 1, Chemistry, Physics
1: Additional credit selected from any courses previously listed
1: FINE ARTS or SPEECH: Music, Art, Drama or Speech
6: At least 6 Electives
23 Total credits (units)
All high school students in Oklahoma have an additional graduation requirement of completing an Individual Career Academic Plan (ICAP). The term ICAP refers to both a process that helps students engage in academic and career development activities and a product that is created and maintained for students’ academic, career, and personal advancement.
You can also view course requirements for high school graduation here.
Students and the parents of students that complete the requirements to graduate early shall be required to sign a form acknowledging that they have met the requirements for graduation early.
Portfolio Credit
Epic Charter Schools can award high school credit for learning experiences taken outside of traditional school perimeters. A submitted portfolio can provide the basis for assessing and awarding credits for the appropriate learning experience. Please contact the teacher for additional information.
Non-Accredited School or Home School transfer:
Students who are entering Epic Charter Schools that were previously in a Non-Accredited School or Home School may earn course credit by mastery of a subject in a school designated assessment. This can be done through national exams or through Epic assessments. This opportunity is for students that have already received instruction in these courses and have submitted an official transcript from the non-accredited school or home school.
National Exams
National exams, listed below, must be submitted to Epic to be considered for credit. Students who score Advanced shall receive an A in the subject. Students scoring Proficient shall receive a B in the subject.
Epic Mastery Exams
Epic based mastery exams will be set up through the Graduation support manager and the teacher. Students scoring 70-85% will receive a “B” and 86-100% will receive an “A” for the course.
See the chart below for the designated assessment list and scores.
Assessments and Scores
ACT Mathematics Subset
Subject | Proficient | Advanced |
Algebra I | 18 | 23 |
Algebra II | 20 | 25 |
Geometry | 18 | 23 |
ACT Science Subset
Subject | Proficient | Advanced |
Biology I | 19 | 25 |
ACT Reading, English & Writing Subsets
English II 9/15 & After | Proficient | Advanced |
Combined | 30 | 46 |
Neither Below | 14 | 22 |
Writing | 23 | 32 |
English II Prior to 9/15 | Proficient | Advanced |
Combined | 30 | 46 |
Neither Below | 14 | 22 |
Writing | 8 | 10 |
English III 9/15 & After | Proficient | Advanced |
Combined | 32 | 48 |
Neither Below | 15 | 23 |
Non-Accredited School definition: Any school that does not have an accreditation from a state or national accreditation service is considered a Non-Accredited School.
Honors and Concurrent Enrollment
Some of the Epic Charter Schools curricula offer advanced placement courses and/or college preparatory courses. These courses will be clearly described. Please contact the Graduation Support Department if you have a student who is interested in concurrent or advanced placement courses. They will assist you in that process with the family.
All Epic Charter Schools students will be graded in the following manner:
Class rank is determined by the weighted GPA, as outlined below. Only courses taken while in grades 9-12 factor into the GPA.
A: 90-100 B: 80-89 C: 70-79 D: 60-69 F: 0-59
Regular Academic Course letter grades have the following GPA weights:
A: 4.0 B: 3.0 C: 2.0 D: 1.0 F: 0.0
The student’s transcript and an Exit Grade Report listing their current courses and grades will be sent to the student’s new school.
Concurrent Enrollment
Concurrent Enrollment course letter grades have the following GPA weights:
A: 5.0 B: 4.0 C: 3.0 D: 2.0
Standard Credits award 0.5 high school credits per 3 college hours. Lab science, foreign language, English composition, and college-level math courses have been pre-approved to earn 1.0 high school credit per semester.
Half day Career Technology courses generally count as 1.5 credits, but some specialized programs may award more credits.
Advanced Placement and Honors Courses
Honors courses are available for students who qualify as part of Epic’s High School course offerings. Students have an opportunity to enroll in the following AP courses through APEX for the 2022-2023 school year: AP English Language and Composition, AP English Literature and Composition, AP Calculus AB, AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Environmental Science, AP US History, AP US Government & Politics, AP Macroeconomics, AP Microeconomics, AP French Language and Culture, AP Spanish Language and Culture, AP Art History, AP 2-D Art and Design, AP 3-D Art and Design, AP Drawing, AP Statistics
The College Board allows Epic Charter Schools to be approved as a testing site for any of the Advanced Placement College Board exams, which is what is used by colleges and universities when determining whether to award college credit. Fees for the Advanced Placement exams can be paid out of the family’s learning fund if available.
Some of the Epic Charter Schools curricula offer advanced placement courses and/or college preparatory courses. These courses will be clearly described. Please contact the Graduation Specialist Department if you have a student who is interested in concurrent or advanced placement courses. They will assist you in that process.
Honors Courses
Honors Course letter grades have the following GPA weights:
A: 4.5 B: 3.5 C: 2.5 D: 1.5
Advanced Placement Courses
Grades are weighted for each semester of Advanced Placement (AP) courses successfully completed with a grade of "C" or better as follows:
A: 5.0 B: 4.0 C: 3.0
Grades below a "C" are not weighted.
Graduation Participation
In order for a student to qualify to participate in Epic's annual June graduation ceremony, all coursework requirements must be completed by the official last day of school. Other students may be considered for graduation participation at the discretion of the Superintendent.
Should a student complete all graduation requirements before the end of the school year, they will still be invited to participate in Epic’s annual graduation ceremony in June. Should they require proof of high school graduation prior to June the following year, a diploma or other such proof of completion of high school will be provided to them upon request.
High school students not classified as seniors at the beginning of the school year have the opportunity to accelerate their coursework and participate in the June graduation ceremony provided they complete all coursework requirements by the official last day of school in the same calendar year as the June graduation ceremony.
Pre-qualification for Commencement
All students with projected June graduation dates will be formally invited to participate in graduation after March 1. Notification will be made by both email and in writing to their home address. Students who have already completed high school graduation requirements during the school year also will be invited to participate in graduation after March 1.
From March 1 through the official last day of school, all other students who attain an anticipated graduation date of the annual June graduation ceremony will be invited to participate in that ceremony.
Valedictorian and Salutatorians
Valedictorian and salutatorian status will be determined by the weighted cumulative grade point average of all seniors as of the end of the first semester of their senior year. To be considered, a student must pace to the end of the first semester of their senior year no later than April 30. Students who completed all graduation requirements during the first semester of the school year also will be considered for valedictorian and salutatorian status.
Salutatorian distinction will be awarded to anticipated graduates whose weighted cumulative grade point average is between a 4.01 and a 4.25. Such students will receive a salutatorian medal at the graduation ceremony.
Valedictorian distinction will be awarded to anticipated graduates whose weighted cumulative grade point average is higher than a 4.25. Such students will receive a valedictorian medal at the graduation ceremony.
The three graduates with the highest weighted grade point averages will be invited to give remarks at the June graduation ceremony. Should more than one graduation ceremony be held due to the size of the graduating class, the three graduates at each ceremony with the highest weighted grade point average will be invited to give remarks.
Superintendent’s and Principal’s Honor Roll
Superintendent’s and Principal’s Honor Roll status will be determined by the weighted cumulative grade point average of all seniors as of the end of the first semester of their senior year.
Superintendent’s Honor Roll is a distinction for all students earning a 4.0 and they are awarded a double blue and gold honor cord at graduation. Principal’s Honor Roll is a distinction for all students earning between a 3.5 and a 3.99 and they are awarded a white honor cord at graduation.
To be recognized in the printed graduation program as a Superintendent or Principal Honor Roll honoree, students must have completed the first semester of their senior year no later than April 30.
If through accelerated learning, a student finishes both their first and second semester of their senior year between April 30-May 30, they will still be recognized as a Superintendent or Principal Honor Roll honoree by virtue of wearing an honor cord during the ceremony. However, they will not be listed in the program as such an honoree as the program is printed between May 1-May 30.
Graduation Program
To be guaranteed a listing in the June graduation program, a student must have a projected graduation date of June of that school year by no later than May 1 of the same school year due to the program being printed between May 1-May 30.
Every student is required to take all of the assessments mandated by the State and Federal Departments of Education to meet graduation requirements.
Epic Charter Schools has elected to administer the ACT as their locally selected nationally recognized assessment for college and career readiness.
Special Education
Special Education means “specially designed instruction” at no cost to the parents to meet the unique needs of a child ages 3-21 under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Epic Charter Schools offers full educational opportunities for all students. If you suspect your child may have a disability or know of a child with a disability who is not receiving a free, appropriate, public education, please contact our Special Education Services Department.
Homework Policy
Homework is vitally important, particularly in a virtual school environment. In fact, quality time engaging with coursework is essential for success. Homework develops good study skills as well as self-discipline. Teachers may assign homework and give deadlines to turn in the required work. Epic Charter Schools considers excessive zeros or refusal to submit an assignment a discipline issue and will deal with these situations accordingly.
The Passport to Financial Literacy Act, 2007
House Bill 1476 created The Passport to Financial Literacy Act, July 1, 2007. The law requires that Oklahoma students beginning with the seventh grade in order to graduate from a public high school with a standard diploma, students shall fulfill the requirements for a personal financial literacy passport. The requirements for a personal financial literacy passport shall be satisfactory completion in all areas of instruction, as listed in the bill, during grades seven through twelve. (See:
Parent/Teacher Conferences
The certified teacher assigned to your child will conduct four (4) parent/teacher conferences, one per quarter or as requested by the parent.
Epic Charter Schools recognizes the tutoring of students can be helpful to student achievement. As a school, we pride ourselves on the attention we give to our individual students. Tutoring assistance will be available to all qualified students enrolled in state-tested subject areas on an as-needed basis.