Graduating from school opens the door to a new chapter. However, many steps must be completed before this can be accomplished. This page will provide a checklist, ceremony info, and any other information you need.
Graduation Checklist
Course Credits Required For Graduation
Below you’ll find links to PDFs containing the required coursework for your student to be eligible for graduation by graduation year. Please remember the student must also take all required state tests.
2025 Core Curriculum Graduation Checklist
2025 College Preparatory Graduation Checklist
2026 Core Curriculum Graduation Checklist
2026 College Preparatory Graduation Checklist
There are two diploma tracks available to all students in the state of Oklahoma as outlined in Oklahoma Law 70 O.S. 11-103.6. The recommended diploma track for Epic Students is the College Preparatory/Work Ready Diploma. An optional, less rigorous track is the Core Curriculum Track. More information regarding the Core Curriculum Track can be obtained through the Graduate Support Department.
Epic will not approve GED forms for students under the age of 18 years old.

Graduating Early
Students and the parents of students who complete the requirements to graduate early shall be required to sign a form acknowledging that they have met the requirements for graduation early.
Should a student complete all graduation requirements before the end of the school year, he/she will still be invited to participate in Epic’s annual graduation ceremony in May. Should they require proof of high school graduation prior to May the following year, a diploma and/or other such proof of completion of high school will be provided to them upon request.
High school students not classified as seniors at the beginning of the school year have the opportunity to accelerate their coursework and participate in the May graduation ceremony provided they complete all coursework requirements by the official last day of school in the same calendar year as the annual May graduation ceremony.
Pre-Qualification for Commencement
All students who are on pace to graduate in May will qualify for graduation
Notifications for qualifying and a formal invite to graduation will be made after March 1.
This communication will be made via email.
Notification will be sent out as students qualify for graduation.
Valedictorian & Salutatorians (Val & Sal)
Valedictorian and salutatorian status will be determined by the weighted cumulative grade point average of all seniors as of the end of the first semester of their senior year.
Val: weighted cumulative GPA is higher than a 4.25
Sal: weighted cumulative GPA is between a 4.01 and a 4.25
All graduates who qualify as Val or Sal will receive a corresponding medal at the graduation ceremony
The three graduates with the highest weighted grade point averages will be invited to give remarks at the graduation ceremony(s). Should more than one graduation ceremony be held due to the size of the graduating class, the three graduates at each ceremony with the highest weighted grade point average will be invited to give remarks.
*Early graduation students who completed all graduation requirements during the first semester of the school year also will be considered for val & sal status.
Superintendent’s and Principal’s Honor Roll
Superintendent’s and Principal’s Honor Roll status will be determined by the weighted cumulative grade point average of all seniors as of the end of the first semester of their senior year.
Superintendent’s Honor Roll is a distinction for all students earning a 4.0 and they are awarded a double blue and gold honor cord at graduation.
Principal’s Honor Roll is a distinction for all students earning between a 3.5 and a 3.99 and they are awarded a white honor cord at graduation.
Graduation Program
To be guaranteed a listing in the graduation program, a student must have a projected graduation date of May of that school year and no later than May 1 of the same school year due to the program being printed between May 1-May 30.
To be recognized in the printed graduation program as a Superintendent or Principal Honor Roll honoree, Valedictorian, or Salutatorians, students must have completed the first semester of their senior year no later than April 30.
If through accelerated learning, a student finishes both their first and second semester of their senior year between April 30-May 30, they will still be recognized as a Superintendent or Principal Honor Roll honoree by virtue of them wearing an honor cord during the ceremony. However, they will not be listed in the program as such an honoree as the program is printed between May 1-May 30.
Diploma Mail Out
Diplomas are printed in the summer once all graduation requirements have been met by the graduating student. All diplomas are mailed to the latest mailing address on file for the graduating senior in the summer.
All Epic assets must be returned prior to diplomas being mailed. If assets have not been returned you diploma will not be mailed.
Diploma Mailout Schedule for the Class of 2024
All Class of 2024 diplomas were mailed out by August 1.
To submit a request, visit the Epic website, click on the Forms/Requests button and then complete the Diploma Corrections/Reprinting form.
Diploma Corrections or Re-Printing
You may be applicable for this form if you haven't received your diploma yet and have returned all assets as well as graduated from Epic Charter Schools.
Please also fill out this form if your address has changed or if you have found any misspellings on your diploma.
Transcript Requests
You may request a transcript in place of a diploma until assets are received if you need proof of graduation.
Date & Location
SATURDAY, MAY 24, 2025
Two Ceremonies: 12:00 pm & 6:00 pm
University of Tulsa
Donald W. Reynolds Center
3208 East 8th Street
Tulsa, OK 74104
SATURDAY, MAY 31, 2025
Two Ceremonies: 12:00 pm & 6:00 pm
University of Oklahoma
Lloyd Noble Center
2900 South Jenkins Avenue
Norman, OK 73019
NOTE: Registration will close 72 hours before the ceremony.
Those registering for a ceremony after its capacity has been reached will be placed on a waitlist. Being on the waitlist does not guarantee a spot in the ceremony. When a spot opens, an automated email is sent to the next person on the waitlist. You have 24 hours to claim your spot after receiving the Eventbrite automated email, so monitor your inbox and don’t forget to check your junk/spam folder.
Students may only participate in one graduation ceremony.
Space is limited for each ceremony, and spots will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration is for graduates ONLY. Guests do not need to register.
Graduates should arrive at least one hour before the ceremony, preferably sooner. Ceremonies should last between one and two hours.
Cap & Gown
Visit the Herff Jones College website, epicgrad.com, where you can order caps, gowns, tassels, etc. Go to the school drop-down, and you will find Epic Charter Schools. The HJ College Cap and Gown website is used to serve Epic Seniors better. Since the caps and gowns are shipped directly to your home, this will help expedite delivery.
Order online before April 12th, and your CGT unit will be sent directly to your home. $64.00 (Cap and Gown Unit w/Custom Hood package) plus tax (8.625%. This includes Shipping and Handling.
(Guarantees you the ability to get the exact size you need and group pricing, and 2-3 week home delivery)
Order online after April 12th for ceremony pick-up or purchase at graduation. NOTE: on-site sizes may be limited.
For easy access to the lowest prices unit: Select "Grad Gear & Apparel", scroll to the bottom of the page, then select "Cap and Gown Unit w/Custom Hood". This package contains the cap, gown, stole and tassel, which covers the necessities. Everything else is optional.
Herff-Jones will have a booth in the graduate check-in area for ceremony pick-up orders and on-site purchases. Caps and gowns will be sold for $64 plus tax. Cash and credit cards will be accepted.
If you have cap, gown, or tassel issues, please visit the Herff-Jones booth at the ceremony you are attending. They will be able to assist you with any necessary changes.
Have questions? Contact customer service at 405-999-5408 or email gradinfo@herffjones.com.
Note: Learning Funds MAY NOT be used to purchase graduation items.
Caps and Gowns are NAVY BLUE, with a GOLD & NAVY STOLE and a NAVY & YELLOW Tassel.
Some Native American tribes offer special opportunities to their graduating members, such as specific stoles or assistance purchasing graduation regalia. Epic’s Student Engagement team is in contact with Oklahoma tribes to see what assistance and opportunities they offer for their high school graduates. Learn more here.

Slide Show
If you would like to be included in the Graduate slide show that will run on the scoreboards before the start of each ceremony, submit your current photo using one of the forms below. With such a large graduating class, we limit it to just one photo each (current) and ask that you submit your photo for the location where you will be participating. Yes, there will be separate slide shows for Tulsa and Norman. That way, we may play through them all twice as guests are seated, and graduates check-in, taking their photographs and preparing for the ceremony.
Tulsa Photo Upload Form
Deadline: Sunday, May 11, 2025 at Midnight
Deadline: Sunday, May 18, 2025 at Midnight
No photos will be accepted after these dates to allow time for editing and testing of the presentation and to follow along with the deadlines for media submissions set forth by the venues. We appreciate your understanding.
Epic caps and gowns will be available at Epic School Picture Days for graduates who want to get their photos made in graduation regalia before ordering them. Learn more about these dates and register at https://www.epiccharterschools.org/field-trips.
Grand Life Photography offers individual photo sessions for Epic students in their Oklahoma City studio at for a small fee. They do have Epic caps and gowns available for these sessions. You can book a session through them at grandlifephotography.com/.